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Concurrency::direct3d Namespace Reference


struct  adopt_d3d_access_lock_t
 Tag type to indicate the D3D access lock should be adopted rather than acquired. More...
class  scoped_d3d_access_lock
 RAII wrapper for a D3D access lock on an accelerator_view. More...


template<typename _Value_type , int _Rank>
array< _Value_type, _Rank > make_array (const Concurrency::extent< _Rank > &_Extent, const Concurrency::accelerator_view &_Av, _In_ IUnknown *_D3D_buffer) __CPU_ONLY
 Create an array from a D3D buffer interface pointer. More...
template<typename _Value_type , int _Rank>
_Ret_ IUnknown * get_buffer (const array< _Value_type, _Rank > &_Array) __CPU_ONLY
 Get the D3D buffer interface underlying an array. More...
int abs (int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Returns the absolute value of the argument More...
float clamp (float _X, float _Min, float _Max) __GPU_ONLY
 Clamps _X to the specified _Min and _Max range More...
int clamp (int _X, int _Min, int _Max) __GPU_ONLY
 Clamps _X to the specified _Min and _Max range More...
unsigned int countbits (unsigned int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Counts the number of set bits in _X More...
int firstbithigh (int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Gets the location of the first set bit in _X, starting from the highest order bit and working downward More...
int firstbitlow (int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Gets the location of the first set bit in _X, starting from the lowest order bit and working upward More...
int imax (int _X, int _Y) __GPU_ONLY
 Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments More...
int imin (int _X, int _Y) __GPU_ONLY
 Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments More...
unsigned int umax (unsigned int _X, unsigned int _Y) __GPU_ONLY
 Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments More...
unsigned int umin (unsigned int _X, unsigned int _Y) __GPU_ONLY
 Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments More...
float mad (float _X, float _Y, float _Z) __GPU_ONLY
 Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z More...
double mad (double _X, double _Y, double _Z) __GPU_ONLY
 Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z More...
int mad (int _X, int _Y, int _Z) __GPU_ONLY
 Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z More...
unsigned int mad (unsigned int _X, unsigned int _Y, unsigned int _Z) __GPU_ONLY
 Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z More...
float noise (float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Generates a random value using the Perlin noise algorithm More...
float radians (float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Converts _X from degrees to radians More...
float rcp (float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Calculates a fast, approximate reciprocal of the argument More...
unsigned int reversebits (unsigned int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Reverses the order of the bits in _X More...
float saturate (float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Clamps _X within the range of 0 to 1 More...
int sign (int _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Returns the sign of the argument More...
float smoothstep (float _Min, float _Max, float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Returns a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1, if _X is in the range [_Min, _Max]. More...
float step (float _Y, float _X) __GPU_ONLY
 Compares two values, returning 0 or 1 based on which value is greater More...
_AMPIMP _Ret_ IUnknown *__cdecl get_device (const accelerator_view &_Av)
 Get the D3D device interface underlying a accelerator_view. More...
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl create_accelerator_view (_In_ IUnknown *_D3D_device, queuing_mode _Qmode=queuing_mode_automatic)
 Create a accelerator_view from a D3D device interface pointer. More...
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl create_accelerator_view (accelerator &_Accelerator, bool _Disable_timeout, queuing_mode _Qmode=queuing_mode_automatic)
 Create and return a new accelerator view on the specified accelerator. More...
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl is_timeout_disabled (const accelerator_view &_Accelerator_view)
 Returns a boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation. More...
_AMPIMP void __cdecl d3d_access_lock (accelerator_view &_Av)
 Acquire a lock on an accelerator_view for the purpose of safely performing D3D operations on resources shared with the accelerator_view. The accelerator_view and all C++ AMP resources associated with this accelerator_view internally take this lock when performing operations and will block while another thread holds the D3D access lock. More...
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl d3d_access_try_lock (accelerator_view &_Av)
 Attempt to acquire the D3D access lock on an accelerator_view without blocking. More...
_AMPIMP void __cdecl d3d_access_unlock (accelerator_view &_Av)
 Release the D3D access lock on the given accelerator_view. If the calling thread does not hold the lock on the accelerator_view the results are undefined. More...

Function Documentation

int Concurrency::direct3d::abs ( int  _X)

Returns the absolute value of the argument

_XInteger value
Returns the absolute value of the argument
7222 {
7223  return __dp_d3d_absi(_X);
7224 }
int __dp_d3d_absi(int) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::clamp ( float  _X,
float  _Min,
float  _Max 

Clamps _X to the specified _Min and _Max range

_XFloating-point value
_MinFloating-point value
_MaxFloating-point value
Returns the clamped value of _X
7242 {
7243  return __dp_d3d_clampf(_X, _Min, _Max);
7244 }
float __dp_d3d_clampf(float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
int Concurrency::direct3d::clamp ( int  _X,
int  _Min,
int  _Max 

Clamps _X to the specified _Min and _Max range

_XInteger value
_MinInteger value
_MaxInteger value
Returns the clamped value of _X
7262 {
7263  return __dp_d3d_clampi(_X, _Min, _Max);
7264 }
int __dp_d3d_clampi(int, int, int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int Concurrency::direct3d::countbits ( unsigned int  _X)

Counts the number of set bits in _X

_XUnsigned integer value
Returns the number of set bits in _X
7276 {
7277  return __dp_d3d_countbitsu(_X);
7278 }
unsigned int __dp_d3d_countbitsu(unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::create_accelerator_view ( _In_ IUnknown *  _D3D_device,
queuing_mode  _Qmode = queuing_mode_automatic 

Create a accelerator_view from a D3D device interface pointer.

_D3D_deviceThe D3D device interface pointer to create the accelerator_view from.
_QmodeThe queuing_mode to be used for the newly created accelerator_view. This parameter has a default value of queuing_mode_automatic.
The accelerator_view created from the passed D3D device interface.
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::create_accelerator_view ( accelerator &  _Accelerator,
bool  _Disable_timeout,
queuing_mode  _Qmode = queuing_mode_automatic 

Create and return a new accelerator view on the specified accelerator.

_AcceleratorThe accelerator on which the new accelerator_view is to be created.
_Disable_timeoutA boolean parameter that specifies whether timeout should be disabled for the newly created accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation and is used to indicate if the operating system should allow workloads that take more than 2 seconds to execute, without resetting the device per the Windows timeout detection and recovery mechanism. Use of this flag is recommended if you need to perform time consuming tasks on the accelerator_view.
_QmodeThe queuing_mode to be used for the newly created accelerator_view. This parameter has a default value of queuing_mode_automatic.
The newly created accelerator_view.
_AMPIMP void __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_lock ( accelerator_view &  _Av)

Acquire a lock on an accelerator_view for the purpose of safely performing D3D operations on resources shared with the accelerator_view. The accelerator_view and all C++ AMP resources associated with this accelerator_view internally take this lock when performing operations and will block while another thread holds the D3D access lock.

This lock is non-recursive: It is undefined behavior to call this function from a thread that already holds the lock. It is undefined behavior to perform operations on the accelerator_view or any data container associated with the accelerator_view from the thread that holds the D3D access lock.

See also scoped_d3d_access_lock, a RAII-style class for a scope-based D3D access lock.

_AvThe accelerator_view to lock.
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_try_lock ( accelerator_view &  _Av)

Attempt to acquire the D3D access lock on an accelerator_view without blocking.

_AvThe accelerator_view to lock.
true if the lock was acquired, or false if it is currently held by another thread.
_AMPIMP void __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_unlock ( accelerator_view &  _Av)

Release the D3D access lock on the given accelerator_view. If the calling thread does not hold the lock on the accelerator_view the results are undefined.

_AvThe accelerator_view for which the lock is to be released.
int Concurrency::direct3d::firstbithigh ( int  _X)

Gets the location of the first set bit in _X, starting from the highest order bit and working downward

_XInteger value
Returns The location of the first set bit
7290 {
7291  return __dp_d3d_firstbithighi(_X);
7292 }
int __dp_d3d_firstbithighi(int) __GPU_ONLY
int Concurrency::direct3d::firstbitlow ( int  _X)

Gets the location of the first set bit in _X, starting from the lowest order bit and working upward

_XInteger value
Returns The location of the first set bit
7304 {
7305  return __dp_d3d_firstbitlowi(_X);
7306 }
int __dp_d3d_firstbitlowi(int) __GPU_ONLY
template<typename _Value_type , int _Rank>
_Ret_ IUnknown* Concurrency::direct3d::get_buffer ( const array< _Value_type, _Rank > &  _Array)

Get the D3D buffer interface underlying an array.

_RankThe rank of the array to get underlying D3D buffer of.
_Value_typeThe type of the elements in the array to get underlying D3D buffer of.
_ArrayA array on a D3D accelerator_view for which the underlying D3D buffer interface is returned.
The IUnknown interface pointer corresponding to the D3D buffer underlying the array.
6495  {
6496  _Buffer_ptr _PBuf;
6497  _Get_access_async(_Array, _Read_write_access, _PBuf)._Get();
6498  return details::_D3D_interop::_Get_D3D_buffer(_PBuf);
6499  }
details::_Reference_counted_obj_ptr< details::_Buffer > _Buffer_ptr
Definition: amprt.h:308
_Event _Get_access_async(const _View_key _Key, accelerator_view _Av, _Access_mode _Mode, _Buffer_ptr &_Buf_ptr)
Definition: amprt.h:3389
_AMPIMP void _Get()
Wait until the _Event completes and throw any exceptions that occur.
Definition: amprt.h:94
_AMPIMP _Ret_ IUnknown* __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::get_device ( const accelerator_view &  _Av)

Get the D3D device interface underlying a accelerator_view.

_AvThe D3D accelerator_view for which the underlying D3D device interface is returned.
The IUnknown interface pointer of the D3D device underlying the accelerator_view.
int Concurrency::direct3d::imax ( int  _X,
int  _Y 

Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments

_XInteger value
_YInteger value
Return the maximum numeric value of the arguments
7321 {
7322  return __dp_d3d_maxi(_X, _Y);
7323 }
int __dp_d3d_maxi(int, int) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
int Concurrency::direct3d::imin ( int  _X,
int  _Y 

Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments

_XInteger value
_YInteger value
Return the minimum numeric value of the arguments
7338 {
7339  return __dp_d3d_mini(_X, _Y);
7340 }
int __dp_d3d_mini(int, int) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl Concurrency::direct3d::is_timeout_disabled ( const accelerator_view &  _Accelerator_view)

Returns a boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation.

_Accelerator_viewThe accelerator_view for which the timeout disabled setting is to be queried.
A boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view.
float Concurrency::direct3d::mad ( float  _X,
float  _Y,
float  _Z 

Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z

_XFloating-point value
_YFloating-point value
_ZFloating-point value
Returns _X * _Y + _Z
7392 {
7393  return __dp_d3d_madf(_X, _Y, _Z);
7394 }
float __dp_d3d_madf(float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
double Concurrency::direct3d::mad ( double  _X,
double  _Y,
double  _Z 

Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z

_XFloating-point value
_YFloating-point value
_ZFloating-point value
Returns _X * _Y + _Z
7412 {
7413  return __dp_d3d_madd(_X, _Y, _Z);
7414 }
double __dp_d3d_madd(double, double, double) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
int Concurrency::direct3d::mad ( int  _X,
int  _Y,
int  _Z 

Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z

_XInteger value
_YInteger value
_ZInteger value
Returns _X * _Y + _Z
7432 {
7433  return __dp_d3d_madi(_X, _Y, _Z);
7434 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
int __dp_d3d_madi(int, int, int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int Concurrency::direct3d::mad ( unsigned int  _X,
unsigned int  _Y,
unsigned int  _Z 

Performs an arithmetic multiply/add operation on three arguments: _X * _Y + _Z

_XUnsigned integer value
_YUnsigned integer value
_ZUnsigned integer value
Returns _X * _Y + _Z
7452 {
7453  return __dp_d3d_madu(_X, _Y, _Z);
7454 }
unsigned int __dp_d3d_madu(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
template<typename _Value_type , int _Rank>
array< _Value_type, _Rank > Concurrency::direct3d::make_array ( const Concurrency::extent< _Rank > &  _Extent,
const Concurrency::accelerator_view _Av,
_In_ IUnknown *  _D3D_buffer 

Create an array from a D3D buffer interface pointer.

_RankThe rank of the array to be created from the D3D buffer.
_Value_typeThe type of the elements of the array to be created from the D3D buffer.
_ExtentAn extent that describes the shape of the array aggregate.
_AvA D3D accelerator_view on which the array is to be created.
_D3D_bufferIUnknown interface pointer of the D3D buffer to create the array from.
A array created using the provided D3D buffer.
6523  {
6524  details::_Is_valid_extent(_Extent);
6526  if (_D3D_buffer == NULL)
6527  {
6528  throw runtime_exception("NULL D3D buffer pointer.", E_INVALIDARG);
6529  }
6532  {
6533  throw runtime_exception("Cannot create D3D buffer on a non-D3D accelerator_view.", E_INVALIDARG);
6534  }
6536  _Ubiquitous_buffer_ptr _PBuf = _Ubiquitous_buffer::_Create_ubiquitous_buffer(_Buffer::_Create_buffer(_D3D_buffer, _Av, _Extent.size(), sizeof(_Value_type)));
6537  return array<_Value_type, _Rank>(_Extent, _Buffer_descriptor(_PBuf->_Get_master_buffer()->_Get_host_ptr(), _PBuf, _Is_array_mode, _Read_write_access));
6538  }
Definition: array:20
static void _Is_valid_extent(const _T< _Rank > &_Tuple) __CPU_ONLY
Definition: xxamp.h:1195
unsigned int size() const __GPU
Returns the total linear size of this extent (in units of elements).
Definition: amp.h:521
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl _Is_D3D_accelerator_view(const accelerator_view &_Av)
Definition: amprt.h:93
details::_Reference_counted_obj_ptr< details::_Ubiquitous_buffer > _Ubiquitous_buffer_ptr
Definition: amprt.h:311
struct Concurrency::details::_Buffer_descriptor _Buffer_descriptor
Definition: amprt.h:94
#define NULL
Definition: corecrt.h:158
float Concurrency::direct3d::noise ( float  _X)

Generates a random value using the Perlin noise algorithm

_XFloating-point value from which to generate Perlin noise
Returns The Perlin noise value within a range between -1 and 1
7466 {
7467  return __dp_d3d_noisef(_X);
7468 }
float __dp_d3d_noisef(float) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::radians ( float  _X)

Converts _X from degrees to radians

_XFloating-point value
Returns _X converted from degrees to radians
7480 {
7481  return __dp_d3d_radiansf(_X);
7482 }
float __dp_d3d_radiansf(float) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::rcp ( float  _X)

Calculates a fast, approximate reciprocal of the argument

_XFloating-point value
Returns a fast, approximate reciprocal of the argument
7494 {
7495  return __dp_d3d_rcpf(_X);
7496 }
float __dp_d3d_rcpf(float) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int Concurrency::direct3d::reversebits ( unsigned int  _X)

Reverses the order of the bits in _X

_XUnsigned integer value
Returns the value with the bit order reversed in _X
7508 {
7509  return __dp_d3d_reversebitsu(_X);
7510 }
unsigned int __dp_d3d_reversebitsu(unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::saturate ( float  _X)

Clamps _X within the range of 0 to 1

_XFloating-point value
Returns _X clamped within the range of 0 to 1
7522 {
7523  return __dp_d3d_saturatef(_X);
7524 }
float __dp_d3d_saturatef(float) __GPU_ONLY
int Concurrency::direct3d::sign ( int  _X)

Returns the sign of the argument

_XInteger value
Returns the sign of the argument
7536 {
7537  return __dp_d3d_signi(_X);
7538 }
int __dp_d3d_signi(int) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::smoothstep ( float  _Min,
float  _Max,
float  _X 

Returns a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1, if _X is in the range [_Min, _Max].

_XFloating-point value
_MinFloating-point value
_MaxFloating-point value
Returns 0 if _X is less than _Min; 1 if _X is greater than _Max; otherwise, a value between 0 and 1 if _X is in the range [_Min, _Max]
7556 {
7557  return __dp_d3d_smoothstepf(_Min, _Max, _X);
7558 }
float __dp_d3d_smoothstepf(float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
float Concurrency::direct3d::step ( float  _Y,
float  _X 

Compares two values, returning 0 or 1 based on which value is greater

_YFloating-point value
_XFloating-point value
Returns 1 if the _X is greater than or equal to _Y; otherwise, 0
7573 {
7574  return __dp_d3d_stepf(_Y, _X);
7575 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
float __dp_d3d_stepf(float, float) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int Concurrency::direct3d::umax ( unsigned int  _X,
unsigned int  _Y 

Determine the maximum numeric value of the arguments

_XInteger value
_YInteger value
Return the maximum numeric value of the arguments
7355 {
7356  return __dp_d3d_maxu(_X, _Y);
7357 }
unsigned int __dp_d3d_maxu(unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
unsigned int Concurrency::direct3d::umin ( unsigned int  _X,
unsigned int  _Y 

Determine the minimum numeric value of the arguments

_XInteger value
_YInteger value
Return the minimum numeric value of the arguments
7372 {
7373  return __dp_d3d_minu(_X, _Y);
7374 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: corecrt_math.h:982
unsigned int __dp_d3d_minu(unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY