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xxamp.h File Reference

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class  Concurrency::array< _Value_type, _Rank >
 An array is a multi-dimensional data aggregate on a accelerator_view. More...
class  Concurrency::array_view< _Value_type, _Rank >
 An array_view is an N-dimensional view over data held in another container (such as array<T,N> or other container. It exposes an indexing interface congruent to that of array<T,N>). More...
class  Concurrency::tiled_extent< _Dim0, _Dim1, _Dim2 >
 A tiled_extent is an extent of 1 to 3 dimensions which also subdivides the extent space into 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional tiles. It has three specialized forms: tiled_extent<_Dim0>, tiled_extent<_Dim0,_Dim1>, and tiled_extent<_Dim0,_Dim1,_Dim2>, where _Dim0-2 specify the length of the tile along each dimension, with _Dim0 being the most-significant dimension and _Dim2 being the least-significant. More...
class  Concurrency::extent< _Rank >
 The extent<N> type represents an N-dimensional vector of int which specifies the bounds of an N-dimensional space with an origin of 0. The values in the coordinate vector are ordered from most-significant to least-significant. Thus, in 2-dimensional space, the extent vector (5,3) represents a space with 5 rows and 3 columns. More...
class  Concurrency::index< _Rank >
 Define an N-dimensional index point; which may also be viewed as a vector based at the origin in N-space. More...
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_view_shape< _Rank, _Element_size >
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_view_base< _Rank, _Element_size >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Falsifier< _T >
class  Concurrency::details::_Projection_result_type< _T, _R >
class  Concurrency::details::_Projection_result_type< _T, 1 >
class  Concurrency::details::_Const_array_view_projection_helper< _T, _R >
class  Concurrency::details::_Const_array_view_projection_helper< _T, 1 >
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_view_projection_helper< _T, _R >
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_view_projection_helper< _T, 1 >
class  Concurrency::details::_Const_array_projection_helper< _T, _R >
class  Concurrency::details::_Const_array_projection_helper< _T, 1 >
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_projection_helper< _T, _R >
class  Concurrency::details::_Array_projection_helper< _T, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, _Unroll >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, _Unroll >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, _Unroll >
struct  Concurrency::details::_product_helper< _T, _Rank, _Unroll >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_helper< _T, opEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_helper< _T, opNeq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opAssign >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opAddEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opSubEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opMulEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opDivEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, opModEq >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, opAdd >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, opSub >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, opMul >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, opDiv >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, opMod >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_helper< _T, _Kind >
struct  Concurrency::details::_index_helper< _T1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, 1, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_cmp_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, 1, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, opAssign, 1, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, opAssign, 2, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, opAssign, 3, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_compound_assign_op_loop_helper< _T, opAssign, 4, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, 1, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_arithmetic_op_loop_helper< _T, _Kind, _Rank, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_product_helper< _T, 1, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_product_helper< _T, _Rank, true >
struct  Concurrency::details::_product_helper< _T, _Rank, false >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, 4 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_map_index< _T1, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_contains< _EXT, _IDX, _R >
struct  Concurrency::details::_contains< _EXT, _IDX, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_contains< _EXT, _IDX, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_contains< _EXT, _IDX, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_project0< _RES_EXT, _SRC_EXT, _RES_IDX, _SRC_IDX, _R >
struct  Concurrency::details::_project0< _RES_EXT, _SRC_EXT, _RES_IDX, _SRC_IDX, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_project0< _RES_EXT, _SRC_EXT, _RES_IDX, _SRC_IDX, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, 4 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_init_helper< _T1, _T2, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_flatten_helper< _Rank, _T1, _T2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_flatten_helper< 1, _T1, _T2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_flatten_helper< 2, _T1, _T2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_flatten_helper< 3, _T1, _T2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Array_flatten_helper< _Rank, _T1, _T2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_read_helper< _T, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_read_helper< _T, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_read_helper< _T, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_read_helper< _T, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_write_helper< _T, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_write_helper< _T, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_write_helper< _T, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_write_helper< _T, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_sample_helper< _T, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_sample_helper< _T, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_sample_helper< _T, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_sample_helper< _T, 3 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_predefined_sample_helper< _T, _Rank >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_predefined_sample_helper< _T, 1 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_predefined_sample_helper< _T, 2 >
struct  Concurrency::details::_Texture_predefined_sample_helper< _T, 3 >


 The Concurrency namespace provides classes and functions that provide access to the Concurrency Runtime, a concurrent programming framework for C++. For more information, see Concurrency Runtime.


#define CPP_AMP_MAX_RANK   128
#define _CPP_AMP_VERIFY_RANK(_Rank, _Type_name)   static_assert(((_Rank) > 0) && ((_Rank) <= CPP_AMP_MAX_RANK), "The _Rank of " #_Type_name " should be greater than 0 and <= 128.")


enum  Concurrency::details::_eInitializeState { Concurrency::details::_do_not_initialize }
enum  Concurrency::details::_op_kind {
  Concurrency::details::opEq, Concurrency::details::opNeq, Concurrency::details::opNot, Concurrency::details::opAssign,
  Concurrency::details::opAddEq, Concurrency::details::opSubEq, Concurrency::details::opMulEq, Concurrency::details::opDivEq,
  Concurrency::details::opModEq, Concurrency::details::opAdd, Concurrency::details::opSub, Concurrency::details::opMul,
  Concurrency::details::opDiv, Concurrency::details::opMod


void __dp_read_texture (const void *, _Out_ void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_write_texture (_Out_ void *, const void *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_sample_texture (const void *, const void *, _Out_ void *, float, float, float, unsigned int, float) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_sample_texture_predefined (const void *, _Out_ void *, float, float, float, unsigned int, unsigned int, float) __GPU_ONLY
template<class _Tuple_type >
_Tuple_type Concurrency::details::_Create_uninitialized_tuple () __GPU
template<typename _Array_type >
const _Buffer_descriptor & Concurrency::details::_Get_buffer_descriptor (const _Array_type &_Array) __GPU
template<typename _Array_type >
_Ret_ _Ubiquitous_buffer * Concurrency::details::_Get_buffer (const _Array_type &_Array) __CPU_ONLY
template<typename _Array_type >
_Event Concurrency::details::_Get_access_async (const _Array_type &_Array, _Access_mode _Mode, _Buffer_ptr &_Buf_ptr) __CPU_ONLY
template<typename _Array_type >
voidConcurrency::details::_Get_datasource_identity (const _Array_type &_Array)
template<typename _Texture_type >
const _Texture_descriptor & Concurrency::details::_Get_texture_descriptor (const _Texture_type &_Tex) __GPU
template<typename _Texture_type >
_Ret_ _Texture * Concurrency::details::_Get_texture (const _Texture_type &_Tex) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank, template< int > class _T1, template< int > class _T2>
static void Concurrency::details::_Is_valid_section (const _T2< _Rank > &_Base_extent, const _T1< _Rank > &_Section_origin, const _T2< _Rank > &_Section_extent) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank, template< int > class _T1>
static void Concurrency::details::_Is_valid_projection (int _I, const _T1< _Rank > &_Base_extent) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank, template< int > class _T>
static void Concurrency::details::_Is_positive (const _T< _Rank > &_Tuple) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank, template< int > class _T>
static void Concurrency::details::_Is_nonnegative (const _T< _Rank > &_Tuple) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank, template< int > class _T>
static void Concurrency::details::_Is_valid_extent (const _T< _Rank > &_Tuple) __CPU_ONLY
template<int _Rank>
unsigned int Concurrency::details::_Get_max_mipmap_levels (const extent< _Rank > &_Extent)
void Concurrency::details::_Are_valid_mipmap_parameters (unsigned int _Most_detailed_mipmap_level, unsigned int _Mipmap_levels=0)
template<int _Rank>
extent< _Rank > Concurrency::details::_Get_extent_at_level_unsafe (const extent< _Rank > &_Base_extent, unsigned int _Level) __GPU
template<int _Rank>
extent< _Rank > Concurrency::details::_Get_extent_at_level (const extent< _Rank > &_Base_extent, unsigned int _Level)
void Concurrency::details::_Is_valid_mipmap_range (unsigned int _Src_view_mipmap_levels, unsigned int _Dst_most_detailed_level, unsigned int _Dst_view_mipmap_levels)
template<int _Rank, typename _Kernel_type >
void Concurrency::details::_Parallel_for_each (_In_ _Host_Scheduling_info *_Sch_info, extent< _Rank > _Compute_domain, const _Kernel_type &_F)
template<int _Dim0, int _Dim1, int _Dim2, typename _Kernel_type >
void Concurrency::details::_Parallel_for_each (_In_ _Host_Scheduling_info *_Sch_info, tiled_extent< _Dim0, _Dim1, _Dim2 > _Compute_domain, const _Kernel_type &_F)
template<int _Dim0, int _Dim1, typename _Kernel_type >
void Concurrency::details::_Parallel_for_each (_In_ _Host_Scheduling_info *_Sch_info, tiled_extent< _Dim0, _Dim1 > _Compute_domain, const _Kernel_type &_F)
template<int _Dim0, typename _Kernel_type >
void Concurrency::details::_Parallel_for_each (_In_ _Host_Scheduling_info *_Sch_info, tiled_extent< _Dim0 > _Compute_domain, const _Kernel_type &_F)
int __dp_d3d_absi (int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_all_memory_fence () __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_all_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier () __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_clampf (float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_clampi (int, int, int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_countbitsu (unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_device_memory_fence () __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_device_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier () __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_firstbithighi (int) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_firstbitlowi (int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_add (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_and (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_exchange (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_or (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_xor (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_compare_exchange (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_max_uint (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_interlocked_max_int (_Inout_ int *, int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_min_uint (_Inout_ unsigned int *, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_interlocked_min_int (_Inout_ int *, int) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_madf (float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
double __dp_d3d_madd (double, double, double) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_madi (int, int, int) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_mini (int, int) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_maxi (int, int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_minu (unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_maxu (unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_madu (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_noisef (float) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_radiansf (float) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_rcpf (float) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_d3d_reversebitsu (unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_saturatef (float) __GPU_ONLY
int __dp_d3d_signi (int) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_smoothstepf (float, float, float) __GPU_ONLY
float __dp_d3d_stepf (float, float) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_tile_static_memory_fence () __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_tile_static_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier () __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_d3d_msad4 (_Out_ unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_stub_info (unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_Ret_ void__dp_get_buffer_info (bool, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_Ret_ void__dp_get_texture_info (bool, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
_Ret_ void__dp_get_sampler_info (unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_init_entry_var (_Out_ unsigned int *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_entry_var_ptr_info (unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_const_buffer_info (unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_read_const_buffer (unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
unsigned int __dp_get_physical_id (unsigned int, unsigned int) __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_no_source_stub () __GPU_ONLY
void __dp_call_site_info (const char *, int) __GPU_ONLY
void Concurrency::details::__dp_no_source_func () __GPU_ONLY


static const int Concurrency::details::LOOP_UNROLL_THRESHOLD = 4

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _CPP_AMP_VERIFY_MUTABLE_ITERATOR (   _Type_name)
static_assert((std::is_base_of<std::output_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<_Type_name>::iterator_category>::value \
|| std::is_base_of<std::forward_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits<_Type_name>::iterator_category>::value), \
"Invalid destination argument type to concurrency::copy.")
#define _CPP_AMP_VERIFY_RANK (   _Rank,
)    static_assert(((_Rank) > 0) && ((_Rank) <= CPP_AMP_MAX_RANK), "The _Rank of " #_Type_name " should be greater than 0 and <= 128.")
#define CPP_AMP_MAX_RANK   128

Function Documentation

void __dp_call_site_info ( const char ,
void __dp_const_buffer_info ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
int __dp_d3d_absi ( int  )
void __dp_d3d_all_memory_fence ( )
void __dp_d3d_all_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier ( )
float __dp_d3d_clampf ( float  ,
float  ,
int __dp_d3d_clampi ( int  ,
int  ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_countbitsu ( unsigned  int)
void __dp_d3d_device_memory_fence ( )
void __dp_d3d_device_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier ( )
int __dp_d3d_firstbithighi ( int  )
int __dp_d3d_firstbitlowi ( int  )
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_add ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_and ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_compare_exchange ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_exchange ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
int __dp_d3d_interlocked_max_int ( _Inout_ int ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_max_uint ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
int __dp_d3d_interlocked_min_int ( _Inout_ int ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_min_uint ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_or ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_d3d_interlocked_xor ( _Inout_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int 
double __dp_d3d_madd ( double  ,
double  ,
float __dp_d3d_madf ( float  ,
float  ,
int __dp_d3d_madi ( int  ,
int  ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_madu ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
int __dp_d3d_maxi ( int  ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_maxu ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
int __dp_d3d_mini ( int  ,
unsigned int __dp_d3d_minu ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_d3d_msad4 ( _Out_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
float __dp_d3d_noisef ( float  )
float __dp_d3d_radiansf ( float  )
float __dp_d3d_rcpf ( float  )
unsigned int __dp_d3d_reversebitsu ( unsigned  int)
float __dp_d3d_saturatef ( float  )
int __dp_d3d_signi ( int  )
float __dp_d3d_smoothstepf ( float  ,
float  ,
float __dp_d3d_stepf ( float  ,
void __dp_d3d_tile_static_memory_fence ( )
void __dp_d3d_tile_static_memory_fence_with_tile_barrier ( )
void __dp_entry_var_ptr_info ( unsigned  int)
_Ret_ void* __dp_get_buffer_info ( bool  ,
unsigned  int 
unsigned int __dp_get_physical_id ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
_Ret_ void* __dp_get_sampler_info ( unsigned  int)
_Ret_ void* __dp_get_texture_info ( bool  ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_init_entry_var ( _Out_ unsigned int ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_no_source_stub ( )
unsigned int __dp_read_const_buffer ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_read_texture ( const void ,
_Out_ void ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_sample_texture ( const void ,
const void ,
_Out_ void ,
float  ,
float  ,
float  ,
unsigned  int,
void __dp_sample_texture_predefined ( const void ,
_Out_ void ,
float  ,
float  ,
float  ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
void __dp_stub_info ( unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 
void __dp_write_texture ( _Out_ void ,
const void ,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int,
unsigned  int 