The extent<N> type represents an N-dimensional vector of int which specifies the bounds of an N-dimensional space with an origin of 0. The values in the coordinate vector are ordered from most-significant to least-significant. Thus, in 2-dimensional space, the extent vector (5,3) represents a space with 5 rows and 3 columns.
| _CPP_AMP_VERIFY_RANK (_Rank, extent) |
| extent () __GPU |
| Default constructor. The value at each dimension is initialized to zero. More...
| extent (const extent< _Rank > &_Other) __GPU |
| Copy constructor. Constructs a new extent from the supplied argument _Other. More...
| extent (int _I) __GPU |
| Constructor for extent<1>. More...
| extent (int _I0, int _I1) __GPU |
| Constructor for extent<2> More...
| extent (int _I0, int _I1, int _I2) __GPU |
| Constructor for extent<3> More...
| extent (const int _Array[_Rank]) __GPU |
| Constructs an extent with the coordinate values provided the array of int component values. If the coordinate array length is not N, the behavior is undefined. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator= (const extent< _Rank > &_Other) __GPU |
| copy-assignment operator More...
int | operator[] (unsigned int _Index) const __GPU |
| Index operator. More...
int & | operator[] (unsigned int _Index) __GPU |
| Index operators. More...
unsigned int | size () const __GPU |
| Returns the total linear size of this extent (in units of elements). More...
bool | contains (const index< rank > &_Index) const __GPU |
| Tests whether the index "_Index" is properly contained within this extent. More...
template<int _Dim0> |
tiled_extent< _Dim0 > | tile () const __GPU |
| Produces a tiled_extent object with the tile extents given by _Dim0. More...
template<int _Dim0, int _Dim1> |
tiled_extent< _Dim0, _Dim1 > | tile () const __GPU |
| Produces a tiled_extent object with the tile extents given by _Dim0, _Dim1 More...
template<int _Dim0, int _Dim1, int _Dim2> |
tiled_extent< _Dim0, _Dim1, _Dim2 > | tile () const __GPU |
| Produces a tiled_extent object with the tile extents given by _Dim0, _Dim1, _Dim2. More...
extent< _Rank > | operator+ (const index< _Rank > &_Rhs) const __GPU |
| Element-wise addition of this extent with an index. More...
extent< _Rank > | operator- (const index< _Rank > &_Rhs) const __GPU |
| Element-wise subtraction of this extent with an index. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator+= (const extent< _Rank > &_Rhs) __GPU |
| Element-wise addition of this extent with another extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator-= (const extent< _Rank > &_Rhs) __GPU |
| Element-wise subtraction of this extent with another extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator+= (const index< _Rank > &_Rhs) __GPU |
| Element-wise addition of this extent with an index. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator-= (const index< _Rank > &_Rhs) __GPU |
| Element-wise subtraction of this extent with an index. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator+= (int _Rhs) __GPU |
| Adds an integer value to each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator-= (int _Rhs) __GPU |
| Subtracts an integer value from each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator*= (int _Rhs) __GPU |
| Multiplies an integer value to each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator/= (int _Rhs) __GPU |
| Divides an integer value into each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator%= (int _Rhs) __GPU |
| Modulus an integer value from each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator++ () __GPU |
| Pre-increments each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > | operator++ (int) __GPU |
| Post-increments each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > & | operator-- () __GPU |
| Pre-decrements each element of this extent. More...
extent< _Rank > | operator-- (int) __GPU |
| Post-decrements each element of this extent. More...
index< _Rank > | _map_index (const index< _Rank > &_Index) const __GPU |
template<int _Rank>
class Concurrency::extent< _Rank >
The extent<N> type represents an N-dimensional vector of int which specifies the bounds of an N-dimensional space with an origin of 0. The values in the coordinate vector are ordered from most-significant to least-significant. Thus, in 2-dimensional space, the extent vector (5,3) represents a space with 5 rows and 3 columns.
All components of an extent must be non-negative. E.g. extent<3> domain(2, 3, 4); represents all points index<3> _Index; such that 0 <= _Index[0] < 2; 0 <= _Index[1] < 3; 0 <= _Index[2] < 4;
- Parameters
_Rank | The _Rank or the dimensionality of the index space. |