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time.h File Reference
#include <corecrt.h>
#include <corecrt_wtime.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _timespec32
struct  _timespec64
struct  timespec


#define _INC_TIME
#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC   ((clock_t)1000)
#define TIME_UTC   1
#define _daylight   (*__daylight())
#define _dstbias   (*__dstbias())
#define _timezone   (*__timezone())
#define _tzname   (__tzname())


_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_daylight) _ACRTIMP int *__cdecl __daylight(void)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_dstbias) _ACRTIMP long *__cdecl __dstbias(void)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_timezone) _ACRTIMP long *__cdecl __timezone(void)
_Check_return_ _Deref_ret_z_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS (_get_tzname) _ACRTIMP char **__cdecl __tzname(void)
 _Success_ (_Daylight!=0) _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_daylight(_Out_ int *_Daylight)
 _Success_ (_DaylightSavingsBias!=0) _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_dstbias(_Out_ long *_DaylightSavingsBias)
 _Success_ (_TimeZone!=0) _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_timezone(_Out_ long *_TimeZone)
 _Success_ (return==0) _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _get_tzname(_Out_ size_t *_ReturnValue
 _Out_writes_z_ (_SizeInBytes) char *_Buffer
 _Success_ (return!=0) _Ret_writes_z_(26) _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(asctime_s) _ACRTIMP char *__cdecl asctime(_In_ struct tm const *_Tm)
 _In_range_ (>=, 26) size_t _SizeInBytes
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1 (errno_t, asctime_s, _Post_readable_size_(26) char, _Buffer, _In_ struct tm const *, _Time) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP clock_t __cdecl clock(void)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ctime32_s (_Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char *_Buffer, _In_range_(>=, 26) size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ __time32_t const *_Time)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1 (errno_t, _ctime32_s, _Post_readable_size_(26) char, _Buffer, _In_ __time32_t const *, _Time) _Ret_z_ _Success_(return!=0) _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_ctime64_s) _ACRTIMP char *__cdecl _ctime64(_In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ctime64_s (_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char *_Buffer, _In_range_(>=, 26) size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_1 (errno_t, _ctime64_s, _Post_readable_size_(26) char, _Buffer, _In_ __time64_t const *, _Time) _Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _difftime32(_In_ __time32_t _Time1
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _difftime64 (_In_ __time64_t _Time1, _In_ __time64_t _Time2)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gmtime32_s (_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time32_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gmtime64_s (_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _localtime32_s (_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time32_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _localtime64_s (_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _mkgmtime32 (_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mkgmtime64 (_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _mktime32 (_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mktime64 (_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
 _Success_ (return > 0) _Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP size_t __cdecl strftime(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) char *_Buffer
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _strdate_s (_Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(9) char *_Buffer, _In_ _In_range_(>=, 9) size_t _SizeInBytes)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0 (errno_t, _strdate_s, _Post_readable_size_(9) char, _Buffer) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0(_Success_(return!=0) char *
 _Out_writes_z_ (9)
_Buffer _Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _strtime_s (_Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(9) char *_Buffer, _In_ _In_range_(>=, 9) size_t _SizeInBytes)
 __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_SECURE_FUNC_0_0 (errno_t, _strtime_s, _Post_readable_size_(9) char, _Buffer) __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0(char *
_Buffer _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _time32 (_Out_opt_ __time32_t *_Time)
_ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _time64 (_Out_opt_ __time64_t *_Time)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _tzset (void)
_DCRTIMP unsigned __cdecl _getsystime (_Out_ struct tm *_Tm)
_DCRTIMP unsigned __cdecl _setsystime (_In_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ unsigned _Milliseconds)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (ctime_s) static __inline char *__CRTDECL ctime(_In_ time_t const *const _Time)
static _Check_return_ __inline double __CRTDECL difftime (_In_ time_t const _Time1, _In_ time_t const _Time2)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (gmtime_s) static __inline struct tm *__CRTDECL gmtime(_In_ time_t const *const _Time)
static __inline struct tm *__CRTDECL localtime (_In_ time_t const *const _Time)
static _Check_return_ __inline time_t __CRTDECL _mkgmtime (_Inout_ struct tm *const _Tm)
static _Check_return_opt_ __inline time_t __CRTDECL mktime (_Inout_ struct tm *const _Tm)
static __inline time_t __CRTDECL time (_Out_opt_ time_t *const _Time)
static _Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL timespec_get (_Out_ struct timespec *const _Ts, _In_ int const _Base)
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL ctime_s (_Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char *const _Buffer, _In_range_(>=, 26) size_t const _SizeInBytes, _In_ time_t const *const _Time)
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL gmtime_s (_Out_ struct tm *const _Tm, _In_ time_t const *const _Time)
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL localtime_s (_Out_ struct tm *const _Tm, _In_ time_t const *const _Time)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_tzset) _ACRTIMP void __cdecl tzset(void)


_CRT_BEGIN_C_HEADER typedef long clock_t
_In_ size_t _SizeInBytes
_In_ size_t _In_ int _Index
_In_ struct tm const * _Tm
_In_ __time32_t _Time2
_In_ size_t _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const * _Format
_In_ size_t _MaxSize
_In_ size_t _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const _In_ struct tm const _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale
_In_ int _Base

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _daylight   (*__daylight())
#define _dstbias   (*__dstbias())
#define _INC_TIME
#define _timezone   (*__timezone())
#define _tzname   (__tzname())
#define CLOCKS_PER_SEC   ((clock_t)1000)
#define TIME_UTC   1

Function Documentation

_strdate_s  ,
_Post_readable_size_(9)  char,
pure virtual
_strtime_s  ,
_Post_readable_size_(9)  char,
asctime_s  ,
_Post_readable_size_(26)  char,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ struct tm const *  ,
_ctime32_s  ,
_Post_readable_size_(26)  char,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ __time32_t const *  ,
) const
pure virtual
_ctime64_s  ,
_Post_readable_size_(26)  char,
_Buffer  ,
_In_ __time64_t const *  ,
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE ( ctime_s  ) const
478  {
479  #pragma warning(push)
480  #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
481  return _ctime64(_Time);
482  #pragma warning(pop)
483  }
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE ( gmtime_s  ) const
497  {
498  #pragma warning(push)
499  #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
500  return _gmtime64(_Time);
501  #pragma warning(pop)
502  }
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS ( _get_daylight  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS ( _get_dstbias  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS ( _get_timezone  )
_Check_return_ _Deref_ret_z_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE_GLOBALS ( _get_tzname  )
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ctime32_s ( _Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char _Buffer,
_In_range_(>=, 26) size_t  _SizeInBytes,
_In_ __time32_t const *  _Time 
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ctime64_s ( _Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char _Buffer,
_In_range_(>=, 26) size_t  _SizeInBytes,
_In_ __time64_t const *  _Time 
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _difftime64 ( _In_ __time64_t  _Time1,
_In_ __time64_t  _Time2 
_DCRTIMP unsigned __cdecl _getsystime ( _Out_ struct tm _Tm)
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gmtime32_s ( _Out_ struct tm _Tm,
_In_ __time32_t const *  _Time 
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gmtime64_s ( _Out_ struct tm _Tm,
_In_ __time64_t const *  _Time 
_In_range_ ( >=  ,
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _localtime32_s ( _Out_ struct tm _Tm,
_In_ __time32_t const *  _Time 
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _localtime64_s ( _Out_ struct tm _Tm,
_In_ __time64_t const *  _Time 
static _Check_return_ __inline time_t __CRTDECL _mkgmtime ( _Inout_ struct tm *const  _Tm)
519  {
520  return _mkgmtime64(_Tm);
521  }
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mkgmtime64(_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
_In_ struct tm const * _Tm
Definition: time.h:126
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _mkgmtime32 ( _Inout_ struct tm _Tm)
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mkgmtime64 ( _Inout_ struct tm _Tm)
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _mktime32 ( _Inout_ struct tm _Tm)
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mktime64 ( _Inout_ struct tm _Tm)
_Out_writes_z_ ( _SizeInBytes  )
_Out_writes_z_ ( )
_DCRTIMP unsigned __cdecl _setsystime ( _In_ struct tm _Tm,
_In_ unsigned  _Milliseconds 
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _strdate_s ( _Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(9) char _Buffer,
_In_ _In_range_(>=, 9) size_t  _SizeInBytes 
_Buffer _Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _strtime_s ( _Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(9) char _Buffer,
_In_ _In_range_(>=, 9) size_t  _SizeInBytes 
_Success_ ( _Daylight!  = 0)
_Success_ ( _DaylightSavingsBias!  = 0)
_Success_ ( _TimeZone!  = 0)
_Success_ ( return  = = 0)
_Success_ ( return!  = 0) const
_Success_ ( return  ,
_Buffer _ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _time32 ( _Out_opt_ __time32_t _Time)
_ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _time64 ( _Out_opt_ __time64_t _Time)
_ACRTIMP void __cdecl _tzset ( void  )
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL ctime_s ( _Out_writes_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char *const  _Buffer,
_In_range_(>=, 26) size_t const  _SizeInBytes,
_In_ time_t const *const  _Time 
554  {
555  return _ctime64_s(_Buffer, _SizeInBytes, _Time);
556  }
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _ctime64_s(_Out_writes_z_(_SizeInBytes) _Post_readable_size_(26) char *_Buffer, _In_range_(>=, 26) size_t _SizeInBytes, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_Check_return_wat_ *_SizeRead wchar_t * _Buffer
Definition: corecrt_wconio.h:27
_In_ size_t _SizeInBytes
Definition: time.h:102
static _Check_return_ __inline double __CRTDECL difftime ( _In_ time_t const  _Time1,
_In_ time_t const  _Time2 
490  {
491  return _difftime64(_Time1, _Time2);
492  }
_In_ __time32_t _Time2
Definition: time.h:183
_Check_return_ _ACRTIMP double __cdecl _difftime64(_In_ __time64_t _Time1, _In_ __time64_t _Time2)
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL gmtime_s ( _Out_ struct tm *const  _Tm,
_In_ time_t const *const  _Time 
563  {
564  return _gmtime64_s(_Tm, _Time);
565  }
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _gmtime64_s(_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_In_ struct tm const * _Tm
Definition: time.h:126
static __inline struct tm* __CRTDECL localtime ( _In_ time_t const *const  _Time)
508  {
509  #pragma warning(push)
510  #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
511  return _localtime64(_Time);
512  #pragma warning(pop)
513  }
static _Check_return_wat_ __inline errno_t __CRTDECL localtime_s ( _Out_ struct tm *const  _Tm,
_In_ time_t const *const  _Time 
572  {
573  return _localtime64_s(_Tm, _Time);
574  }
_Check_return_wat_ _ACRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _localtime64_s(_Out_ struct tm *_Tm, _In_ __time64_t const *_Time)
_In_ struct tm const * _Tm
Definition: time.h:126
static _Check_return_opt_ __inline time_t __CRTDECL mktime ( _Inout_ struct tm *const  _Tm)
527  {
528  return _mktime64(_Tm);
529  }
_Check_return_opt_ _ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _mktime64(_Inout_ struct tm *_Tm)
_In_ struct tm const * _Tm
Definition: time.h:126
static __inline time_t __CRTDECL time ( _Out_opt_ time_t *const  _Time)
534  {
535  return _time64(_Time);
536  }
_ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _time64(_Out_opt_ __time64_t *_Time)
static _Check_return_ __inline int __CRTDECL timespec_get ( _Out_ struct timespec *const  _Ts,
_In_ int const  _Base 
543  {
544  return _timespec64_get((struct _timespec64*)_Ts, _Base);
545  }
Definition: time.h:31
_In_ int _Base
Definition: time.h:323

Variable Documentation

_In_ int _Base
_In_ size_t _In_ int _Index
_In_ size_t _MaxSize
_In_ size_t _SizeInBytes
_In_ __time32_t _Time2
_In_ size_t _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ char const _In_ struct tm const* _Tm
_CRT_BEGIN_C_HEADER typedef long clock_t