| failure (const string &_Message, const error_code &_Errcode=make_error_code(io_errc::stream)) |
| failure (const char *_Message, const error_code &_Errcode=make_error_code(io_errc::stream)) |
| system_error (error_code _Errcode) |
| system_error (error_code _Errcode, const string &_Message) |
| system_error (error_code _Errcode, const char *_Message) |
| system_error (int _Errval, const error_category &_Errcat) |
| system_error (int _Errval, const error_category &_Errcat, const string &_Message) |
| system_error (int _Errval, const error_category &_Errcat, const char *_Message) |
const error_code & | code () const _NOEXCEPT |
| runtime_error (const string &_Message) |
| runtime_error (const char *_Message) |
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | exception (const char *_Message="unknown", int=1) _THROW0() |
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | exception (const exception &_Right) _THROW0() |
exception &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | operator= (const exception &_Right) _THROW0() |
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | ~exception () _NOEXCEPT |
virtual const char *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | what () const _THROW0() |
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL | _Raise () const |
system_error(error_code _Errcode)
Definition: system_error:533
system_error(error_code _Errcode)
Definition: system_error:533
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