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basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >:
basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > ios_base ios_base _Iosb< int > _Iosb< int > basic_fstream< _Elem, _Traits > basic_stringstream< _Elem, _Traits, _Alloc > strstream

Public Types

typedef basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myt
typedef basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myis
typedef basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myos
typedef basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > _Myios
typedef _Elem char_type
typedef _Traits traits_type
typedef _Traits::int_type int_type
typedef _Traits::pos_type pos_type
typedef _Traits::off_type off_type
- Public Types inherited from basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits >
typedef basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myt
typedef basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > _Myios
typedef basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > _Mysb
typedef istreambuf_iterator< _Elem, _Traits > _Iter
typedef ctype< _Elem > _Ctype
typedef num_get< _Elem, _Iter_Nget
typedef _Traits::int_type int_type
typedef _Traits::pos_type pos_type
typedef _Traits::off_type off_type
- Public Types inherited from basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits >
typedef basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > _Myt
typedef basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myos
typedef basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > _Mysb
typedef ctype< _Elem > _Ctype
typedef _Elem char_type
typedef _Traits traits_type
typedef _Traits::int_type int_type
typedef _Traits::pos_type pos_type
typedef _Traits::off_type off_type
- Public Types inherited from ios_base
enum  event { erase_event, imbue_event, copyfmt_event }
typedef void(__CLRCALL_OR_CDECLevent_callback) (event, ios_base &, int)
- Public Types inherited from _Iosb< int >
enum  _Dummy_enum
enum  _Fmtflags
enum  _Iostate
enum  _Openmode
enum  _Seekdir
- Public Types inherited from basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits >
typedef basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myt
typedef basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits > _Myios
typedef basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > _Mysb
typedef ostreambuf_iterator< _Elem, _Traits > _Iter
typedef num_put< _Elem, _Iter_Nput
typedef _Traits::int_type int_type
typedef _Traits::pos_type pos_type
typedef _Traits::off_type off_type

Public Member Functions

__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream (basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > *_Strbuf)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream (const _Myt &)=delete
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (const _Myt &)=delete
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~basic_iostream () _NOEXCEPT
- Public Member Functions inherited from basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_istream (_Mysb *_Strbuf, bool _Isstd=false)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_istream (_Uninitialized)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_istream (const _Myt &)=delete
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (const _Myt &)=delete
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~basic_istream () _NOEXCEPT
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Ipfx (bool _Noskip=false)
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ipfx (bool _Noskip=false)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL isfx ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (_Myt &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(_Myt &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (_Myios &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(_Myios &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (ios_base &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(ios_base &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (bool &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (short &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (unsigned short &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (int &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (unsigned int &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (long &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (unsigned long &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (long long &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (unsigned long long &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (float &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (double &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (long double &_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (void *&_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (_Mysb *_Strbuf)
int_type __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count, _Elem _Delim)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get (_Elem &_Ch)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get (_Mysb &_Strbuf)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL get (_Mysb &_Strbuf, _Elem _Delim)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL getline (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL getline (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count, _Elem _Delim)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ignore (streamsize _Count=1, int_type _Metadelim=_Traits::eof())
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL read (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count)
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL readsome (_Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count)
int_type __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL peek ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL putback (_Elem _Ch)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL unget ()
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL gcount () const
int __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL sync ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL seekg (pos_type _Pos)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL seekg (off_type _Off, ios_base::seekdir _Way)
pos_type __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL tellg ()
basic_istream< unsigned short, char_traits< unsigned short > > &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator>> (unsigned short &_Ch)
- Public Member Functions inherited from basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ios (_Mysb *_Strbuf)
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~basic_ios () _NOEXCEPT
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear (iostate _State=goodbit, bool _Reraise=false)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate (iostate _State, bool _Reraise=false)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL copyfmt (const _Myt &_Right)
_Myos *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL tie () const
_Myos *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL tie (_Myos *_Newtie)
_Mysb *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL rdbuf () const
_Mysb *__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL rdbuf (_Mysb *_Strbuf)
locale __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL imbue (const locale &_Loc)
_Elem __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL fill () const
_Elem __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL fill (_Elem _Newfill)
char __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL narrow (_Elem _Ch, char _Dflt= '\0') const
_Elem __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL widen (char _Byte) const
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL move (_Myt &_Right)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL move (_Myt &&_Right)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap (_Myt &_Right) _NOEXCEPT
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL set_rdbuf (_Mysb *_Strbuf)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ios (const _Myt &)=delete
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (const _Myt &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from ios_base
 _IOS_BITMASK (_Fmtflags, fmtflags)
 _IOS_BITMASK (_Iostate, iostate)
 _IOS_BITMASK (_Openmode, openmode)
 _IOS_BITMASK (_Seekdir, seekdir)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator bool () const
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator! () const
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear (iostate _State, bool _Reraise)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL clear (iostate _State=goodbit)
iostate __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL rdstate () const
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate (iostate _State, bool _Exreraise)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setstate (iostate _State)
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL good () const
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL eof () const
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL fail () const
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL bad () const
iostate __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL exceptions () const
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL exceptions (iostate _Newexcept)
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL flags () const
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL flags (fmtflags _Newfmtflags)
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf (fmtflags _Newfmtflags)
fmtflags __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL setf (fmtflags _Newfmtflags, fmtflags _Mask)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL unsetf (fmtflags _Mask)
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL precision () const
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL precision (streamsize _Newprecision)
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL width () const
streamsize __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL width (streamsize _Newwidth)
locale __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL getloc () const
locale __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL imbue (const locale &_Loc)
long &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL iword (int _Idx)
void *&__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL pword (int _Idx)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL register_callback (event_callback _Pfn, int _Idx)
ios_base &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL copyfmt (const ios_base &_Other)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap (ios_base &_Right)
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~ios_base () _NOEXCEPT
 ios_base (const ios_base &)=delete
ios_baseoperator= (const ios_base &)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ostream (basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > *_Strbuf, bool _Isstd=false)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ostream (_Uninitialized, bool _Addit=true)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ostream (const _Myt &)=delete
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (const _Myt &)=delete
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ~basic_ostream () _NOEXCEPT
bool __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL opfx ()
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL osfx ()
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Osfx ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (_Myt &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(_Myt &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (_Myios &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(_Myios &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (ios_base &(__cdecl *_Pfn)(ios_base &))
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (bool _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (short _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (unsigned short _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (int _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (unsigned int _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (long _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (unsigned long _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (long long _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (unsigned long long _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (float _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (double _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (long double _Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (const void *_Val)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (_Mysb *_Strbuf)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL put (_Elem _Ch)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL write (const _Elem *_Str, streamsize _Count)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL flush ()
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL seekp (pos_type _Pos)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL seekp (off_type _Off, ios_base::seekdir _Way)
pos_type __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL tellp ()
basic_ostream< unsigned short, char_traits< unsigned short > > &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator<< (unsigned short _Ch)

Protected Member Functions

__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream (_Myt &&_Right)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (_Myt &&_Right)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap (_Myt &_Right)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_istream (_Myt &&_Right)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (_Myt &&_Right)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap (_Myt &_Right)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from basic_ios< _Elem, _Traits >
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL init (_Mysb *_Strbuf=0, bool _Isstd=false)
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ios ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ios_base
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL ios_base ()
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Init ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_ostream (_Myt &&_Right)
_Myt &__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL operator= (_Myt &&_Right)
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap (_Myt &_Right)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ios_base
static int __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL xalloc ()
static bool __CLRCALL_OR_CDECL sync_with_stdio (bool _Newsync=true)
static _MRTIMP2_PURE_NPURE void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Addstd (ios_base *)
- Public Attributes inherited from ios_base
size_t _Stdstr
- Static Public Attributes inherited from _Iosb< int >
static constexpr _Fmtflags skipws
static constexpr _Fmtflags unitbuf
static constexpr _Fmtflags uppercase
static constexpr _Fmtflags showbase
static constexpr _Fmtflags showpoint
static constexpr _Fmtflags showpos
static constexpr _Fmtflags left
static constexpr _Fmtflags right
static constexpr _Fmtflags internal
static constexpr _Fmtflags dec
static constexpr _Fmtflags oct
static constexpr _Fmtflags hex
static constexpr _Fmtflags scientific
static constexpr _Fmtflags fixed
static constexpr _Fmtflags hexfloat
static constexpr _Fmtflags boolalpha
static constexpr _Fmtflags _Stdio
static constexpr _Fmtflags adjustfield
static constexpr _Fmtflags basefield
static constexpr _Fmtflags floatfield
static constexpr _Iostate goodbit
static constexpr _Iostate eofbit
static constexpr _Iostate failbit
static constexpr _Iostate badbit
static constexpr _Openmode in
static constexpr _Openmode out
static constexpr _Openmode ate
static constexpr _Openmode app
static constexpr _Openmode trunc
static constexpr _Openmode _Nocreate
static constexpr _Openmode _Noreplace
static constexpr _Openmode binary
static constexpr _Seekdir beg
static constexpr _Seekdir cur
static constexpr _Seekdir end

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef basic_ios<_Elem, _Traits> basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::_Myios
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::_Myis
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits> basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::_Myos
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef basic_iostream<_Elem, _Traits> basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::_Myt
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef _Elem basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::char_type
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef _Traits::int_type basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::int_type
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef _Traits::off_type basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::off_type
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef _Traits::pos_type basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::pos_type
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
typedef _Traits basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::traits_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::basic_iostream ( basic_streambuf< _Elem, _Traits > *  _Strbuf)
941  : _Myis(_Strbuf, false),
942  _Myos(_Noinit, false)
943  { // construct from stream buffer pointer
944  }
basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myos
Definition: istream:932
basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myis
Definition: istream:931
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::basic_iostream ( _Myt &&  _Right)
948  : _Myis(_Right.rdbuf(), false),
949  _Myos(_Noinit, false)
950  { // construct by moving _Right
951  _Myios::init();
953  }
basic_ostream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myos
Definition: istream:932
basic_istream< _Elem, _Traits > _Myis
Definition: istream:931
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL init(_Mysb *_Strbuf=0, bool _Isstd=false)
Definition: ios:167
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL move(_Myt &_Right)
Definition: ios:134
constexpr const _Ty &() _Right
Definition: algorithm:3723
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
__CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::basic_iostream ( const _Myt )
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
virtual __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::~basic_iostream ( )
972  { // destroy the object
973  }

Member Function Documentation

template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
_Myt& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::operator= ( _Myt &&  _Right)
956  { // move from _Right
957  this->swap(_Right);
958  return (*this);
959  }
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap(_Myt &_Right)
Definition: istream:961
constexpr const _Ty &() _Right
Definition: algorithm:3723
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
_Myt& __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::operator= ( const _Myt )
template<class _Elem , class _Traits >
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL basic_iostream< _Elem, _Traits >::swap ( _Myt _Right)
962  { // swap with _Right
963  if (this != _STD addressof(_Right))
965  }
_STD_BEGIN constexpr _Ty * addressof(_Ty &_Val) _NOEXCEPT
Definition: xstddef:628
void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL swap(_Myt &_Right) _NOEXCEPT
Definition: ios:154
constexpr const _Ty &() _Right
Definition: algorithm:3723

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: