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_Mem_fn< _Memptr > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for _Mem_fn< _Memptr >:

Public Member Functions

 _Mem_fn (_Memptr _Val) _NOEXCEPT
template<class... _Types>
auto operator() (_Types &&..._Args) const -> decltype(_STD invoke(_Pm, _STD forward< _Types >(_Args)...))

Private Attributes

_Memptr _Pm

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from _Invoker_pmd_pointer
template<class _Decayed , class _Ty1 >
static auto _Call (_Decayed _Pmd, _Ty1 &&_Arg1) -> decltype((*_STD forward< _Ty1 >(_Arg1)).*_Pmd)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class _Memptr >
_Mem_fn< _Memptr >::_Mem_fn ( _Memptr  _Val)
27  : _Pm(_Val)
28  { // construct, storing a pointer to member function/data
29  }
_In_ int _Val
Definition: vcruntime_string.h:62
_Memptr _Pm
Definition: functional:23

Member Function Documentation

template<class _Memptr >
template<class... _Types>
auto _Mem_fn< _Memptr >::operator() ( _Types &&...  _Args) const -> decltype(_STD invoke(_Pm, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...))
34  { // invoke a pointer to member function/data
35  return (_STD invoke(_Pm, _STD forward<_Types>(_Args)...));
36  }
_Memptr _Pm
Definition: functional:23
auto invoke(_Callable &&_Obj, _Types &&..._Args) -> decltype(_Invoker< _Callable, _Types...>::_Call(_STD forward< _Callable >(_Obj), _STD forward< _Types >(_Args)...))
Definition: type_traits:1439

Member Data Documentation

template<class _Memptr >
_Memptr _Mem_fn< _Memptr >::_Pm

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