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Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type > Class Template Reference

An unbounded_buffer messaging block is a multi-target, multi-source, ordered propagator_block capable of storing an unbounded number of messages. More...

#include <agents.h>

Inheritance diagram for Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >:
Concurrency::propagator_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > > Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType > Concurrency::ITarget< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > Concurrency::ISource< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type >

Public Member Functions

 unbounded_buffer ()
 Constructs an unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
 unbounded_buffer (filter_method const &_Filter)
 Constructs an unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
 ~unbounded_buffer ()
 Destroys the unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
bool enqueue (_Type const &_Item)
 Adds an item to the unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
_Type dequeue ()
 Removes an item from the unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::propagator_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > >
 propagator_block ()
 Constructs a propagator_block object. More...
virtual ~propagator_block ()
 Destroys a propagator_block object. More...
virtual message_status propagate (_Inout_opt_ message< _Source_type > *_PMessage, _Inout_opt_ ISource< _Source_type > *_PSource)
 Asynchronously passes a message from a source block to this target block. More...
virtual message_status send (_Inout_ message< _Source_type > *_PMessage, _Inout_ ISource< _Source_type > *_PSource)
 Synchronously initiates a message to this block. Called by an ISource block. When this function completes, the message will already have propagated into the block. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >
 source_block ()
 Constructs a source_block object. More...
virtual ~source_block ()
 Destroys the source_block object. More...
virtual void link_target (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Links a target block to this source_block object. More...
virtual void unlink_target (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Unlinks a target block from this source_block object. More...
virtual void unlink_targets ()
 Unlinks all target blocks from this source_block object. More...
virtual message< _Target_type > * accept (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Accepts a message that was offered by this source_block object, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual bool reserve (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Reserves a message previously offered by this source_block object. More...
virtual message< _Target_type > * consume (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Consumes a message previously offered by this source_block object and successfully reserved by the target, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual void release (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Releases a previous successful message reservation. More...
virtual void acquire_ref (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *)
 Acquires a reference count on this source_block object, to prevent deletion. More...
virtual void release_ref (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 Releases a reference count on this source_block object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::ISource< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type >
virtual ~ISource ()
 Destroys the ISource object. More...
virtual void link_target (_Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, links a target block to this ISource block. More...
virtual void unlink_target (_Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, unlinks a target block from this ISource block, if found to be previously linked. More...
virtual message< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > * accept (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, accepts a message that was offered by this ISource block, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual bool reserve (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, reserves a message previously offered by this ISource block. More...
virtual message< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > * consume (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, consumes a message previously offered by this ISource block and successfully reserved by the target, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual void release (runtime_object_identity _MsgId, _Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, releases a previous successful message reservation. More...
virtual void acquire_ref (_Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, acquires a reference count on this ISource block, to prevent deletion. More...
virtual void release_ref (_Inout_ ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PTarget)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, releases a reference count on this ISource block. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::ITarget< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type >
virtual ~ITarget ()
 Destroys the ITarget object. More...
virtual message_status propagate (_Inout_opt_ message< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PMessage, _Inout_opt_ ISource< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PSource)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, asynchronously passes a message from a source block to this target block. More...
virtual message_status send (_Inout_ message< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PMessage, _Inout_ ISource< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PSource)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, synchronously passes a message to the target block. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual message_status propagate_message (_Inout_ message< _Type > *_PMessage, _Inout_ ISource< _Type > *_PSource)
 Asynchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this unbounded_buffer messaging block. It is invoked by the propagate method, when called by a source block. More...
virtual message_status send_message (_Inout_ message< _Type > *_PMessage, _Inout_ ISource< _Type > *_PSource)
 Synchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this unbounded_buffer messaging block. It is invoked by the send method, when called by a source block. More...
virtual bool supports_anonymous_source ()
 Overrides the supports_anonymous_source method to indicate that this block can accept messages offered to it by a source that is not linked. More...
virtual message< _Type > * accept_message (runtime_object_identity _MsgId)
 Accepts a message that was offered by this unbounded_buffer messaging block, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual bool reserve_message (runtime_object_identity _MsgId)
 Reserves a message previously offered by this unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
virtual message< _Type > * consume_message (runtime_object_identity _MsgId)
 Consumes a message previously offered by the unbounded_buffer messaging block and reserved by the target, transferring ownership to the caller. More...
virtual void release_message (runtime_object_identity _MsgId)
 Releases a previous message reservation. More...
virtual void resume_propagation ()
 Resumes propagation after a reservation has been released. More...
virtual void link_target_notification (_Inout_ ITarget< _Type > *_PTarget)
 A callback that notifies that a new target has been linked to this unbounded_buffer messaging block. More...
virtual void process_input_messages (_Inout_ message< _Type > *_PMessage)
 Places the message _PMessage in this unbounded_buffer messaging block and tries to offer it to all of the linked targets. More...
virtual void propagate_output_messages ()
 Places the message _PMessage in this unbounded_buffer messaging block and tries to offer it to all of the linked targets. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::propagator_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > >
virtual message_status propagate_message (_Inout_ message< _Source_type > *_PMessage, _Inout_ ISource< _Source_type > *_PSource)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, this method asynchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this propagator_block object. It is invoked by the propagate method, when called by a source block. More...
virtual message_status send_message (_Inout_ message< _Source_type > *, _Inout_ ISource< _Source_type > *)
 When overridden in a derived class, this method synchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this propagator_block object. It is invoked by the send method, when called by a source block. More...
virtual void link_source (_Inout_ ISource< _Source_type > *_PSource)
 Links a specified source block to this propagator_block object. More...
virtual void unlink_source (_Inout_ ISource< _Source_type > *_PSource)
 Unlinks a specified source block from this propagator_block object. More...
virtual void unlink_sources ()
 Unlinks all source blocks from this propagator_block object. More...
virtual void process_input_messages (_Inout_ message< _Target_type > *_PMessage)
 Process input messages. This is only useful for propagator blocks, which derive from source_block More...
void initialize_source_and_target (_Inout_opt_ Scheduler *_PScheduler=NULL, _Inout_opt_ ScheduleGroup *_PScheduleGroup=NULL)
 Initializes the base object. Specifically, the message_processor object needs to be initialized. More...
void register_filter (filter_method const &_Filter)
 Registers a filter method that will be invoked on every received message. More...
void decline_incoming_messages ()
 Indicates to the block that new messages should be declined. More...
void remove_network_links ()
 Removes all the source and target network links from this propagator_block object. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >
virtual void link_target_notification (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *)
 A callback that notifies that a new target has been linked to this source_block object. More...
virtual void unlink_target_notification (_Inout_ ITarget< _Target_type > *_PTarget)
 A callback that notifies that a target has been unlinked from this source_block object. More...
virtual void propagate_to_any_targets (_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_PMessage)
 When overridden in a derived class, propagates the given message to any or all of the linked targets. This is the main propagation routine for message blocks. More...
void initialize_source (_Inout_opt_ Scheduler *_PScheduler=NULL, _Inout_opt_ ScheduleGroup *_PScheduleGroup=NULL)
 Initializes the message_propagator within this source_block. More...
void enable_batched_processing ()
 Enables batched processing for this block. More...
virtual void sync_send (_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_Msg)
 Synchronously queues up messages and starts a propagation task, if this has not been done already. More...
virtual void async_send (_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_Msg)
 Asynchronously queues up messages and starts a propagation task, if this has not been done already More...
void wait_for_outstanding_async_sends ()
 Waits for all asynchronous propagations to complete. This propagator-specific spin wait is used in destructors of message blocks to make sure that all asynchronous propagations have time to finish before destroying the block. More...
void remove_targets ()
 Removes all target links for this source block. This should be called from the destructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::ISource< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type >
void _Invoke_link_source (ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PLinkFrom)
 Links this source to a target. More...
void _Invoke_unlink_source (ITarget< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type > *_PUnlinkFrom)
 Unlinks this source from a target. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::ITarget< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type >
virtual void link_source (_Inout_ ISource< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PSource)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, links a specified source block to this ITarget block. More...
virtual void unlink_source (_Inout_ ISource< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type > *_PSource)=0
 When overridden in a derived class, unlinks a specified source block from this ITarget block. More...

Private Types

typedef multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > > _TargetLinkRegistry
typedef multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > _SourceLinkRegistry

Private Member Functions

void _Propagate_priority_order (::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Target_type >> &_MessageBuffer)
 Propagates messages in priority order. More...
void _Delete_stored_messages ()
 Deletes all messages currently stored in this message block. Should be called by the destructor to ensure any messages propagated in are cleaned up. More...
unbounded_buffer const & operator= (unbounded_buffer const &)
 unbounded_buffer (unbounded_buffer const &)

Private Attributes

::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_processedMessages
 Message queue used to store processed messages More...
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
 Message queue used to store messages More...
bool _M_fForceRepropagation
 A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Concurrency::propagator_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > >
typedef multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type _Source_type
 The type of the payload for the incoming message to this propagator_block. More...
typedef source_link_manager< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > > _SourceLinkManager
 The type of the source_link_manager this propagator_block. More...
typedef _SourceLinkManager::iterator source_iterator
 The type of the iterator for the source_link_manager for this propagator_block. More...
- Public Types inherited from Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >
typedef multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type _Target_type
 The payload type of messages handled by this source_block. More...
typedef multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::iterator target_iterator
 The iterator to walk the connected targets. More...
- Public Types inherited from Concurrency::ISource< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type >
typedef multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::type::type source_type
 A type alias for _Type . More...
- Public Types inherited from Concurrency::ITarget< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type >
typedef multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type type
 A type alias for _Type . More...
typedef std::function< bool(multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_typeconst &)> filter_method
 The signature of any method used by the block that returns a bool value to determine whether an offered message should be accepted. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Concurrency::propagator_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > > >
_SourceLinkManager _M_connectedSources
 The container for all the sources connected to this block. More...
 The filter function which determines whether offered messages should be accepted. More...
volatile bool _M_fDeclineMessages
 A bool that is set to indicate that all messages should be declined in preparation for deleting the block More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >
ITarget< _Target_type > * _M_pReservedFor
 Connected target that is holding a reservation More...
runtime_object_identity _M_reservedId
 Reserved message ID More...
multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > > _M_connectedTargets
 Connected targets More...
_MessageProcessorType _M_messageProcessor
 Processor used for asynchronous message handling More...

Detailed Description

template<class _Type>
class Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >

An unbounded_buffer messaging block is a multi-target, multi-source, ordered propagator_block capable of storing an unbounded number of messages.

Template Parameters
_TypeThe payload type of the messages stored and propagated by the buffer.

For more information, see Asynchronous Message Blocks.

See also
overwrite_buffer Class, single_assignment Class

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class _Type >
typedef multi_link_registry<ISource<_Type> > Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_SourceLinkRegistry
template<class _Type >
typedef multi_link_registry<ITarget<_Type> > Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_TargetLinkRegistry

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class _Type >
Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::unbounded_buffer ( )

Constructs an unbounded_buffer messaging block.

The runtime uses the default scheduler if you do not specify the _PScheduler or _PScheduleGroup parameters.

The type filter_method is a functor with signature bool (_Type const &) which is invoked by this unbounded_buffer messaging block to determine whether or not it should accept an offered message.

See also
Scheduler Class, ScheduleGroup Class
5941  :
5942  _M_fForceRepropagation(false)
5943  {
5945  this->enable_batched_processing();
5946  }
bool _M_fForceRepropagation
A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur
Definition: agents.h:6496
void enable_batched_processing()
Enables batched processing for this block.
Definition: agents.h:5396
void initialize_source_and_target(_Inout_opt_ Scheduler *_PScheduler=NULL, _Inout_opt_ ScheduleGroup *_PScheduleGroup=NULL)
Initializes the base object. Specifically, the message_processor object needs to be initialized...
Definition: agents.h:5826
template<class _Type >
Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::unbounded_buffer ( filter_method const &  _Filter)

Constructs an unbounded_buffer messaging block.

_FilterA filter function which determines whether offered messages should be accepted.

The runtime uses the default scheduler if you do not specify the _PScheduler or _PScheduleGroup parameters.

The type filter_method is a functor with signature bool (_Type const &) which is invoked by this unbounded_buffer messaging block to determine whether or not it should accept an offered message.

See also
Scheduler Class, ScheduleGroup Class
5964  :
5965  _M_fForceRepropagation(false)
5966  {
5968  this->enable_batched_processing();
5969  this->register_filter(_Filter);
5970  }
bool _M_fForceRepropagation
A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur
Definition: agents.h:6496
void enable_batched_processing()
Enables batched processing for this block.
Definition: agents.h:5396
void initialize_source_and_target(_Inout_opt_ Scheduler *_PScheduler=NULL, _Inout_opt_ ScheduleGroup *_PScheduleGroup=NULL)
Initializes the base object. Specifically, the message_processor object needs to be initialized...
Definition: agents.h:5826
void register_filter(filter_method const &_Filter)
Registers a filter method that will be invoked on every received message.
Definition: agents.h:5841
template<class _Type >
Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::~unbounded_buffer ( )

Destroys the unbounded_buffer messaging block.

6081  {
6082  // Remove all links
6083  this->remove_network_links();
6085  // Clean up any messages left in this message block
6087  }
void remove_network_links()
Removes all the source and target network links from this propagator_block object.
Definition: agents.h:5865
void _Delete_stored_messages()
Deletes all messages currently stored in this message block. Should be called by the destructor to en...
Definition: agents.h:6461
template<class _Type >
Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::unbounded_buffer ( unbounded_buffer< _Type > const &  )

Member Function Documentation

template<class _Type >
void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_Delete_stored_messages ( )

Deletes all messages currently stored in this message block. Should be called by the destructor to ensure any messages propagated in are cleaned up.

6462  {
6463  // Input messages for this message block are in the base-class input buffer
6464  // All messages in that buffer are guaranteed to have moved to the output
6465  // buffer because the destructor first waits for all async sends to finish
6466  // before reaching this point
6468  // Delete any messages remaining in the output queue
6469  for (;;)
6470  {
6471  message<_Type> * _Msg = _M_messageBuffer._Dequeue();
6472  if (_Msg == NULL)
6473  {
6474  break;
6475  }
6476  delete _Msg;
6477  }
6478  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
template<class _Type >
void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_Propagate_priority_order ( ::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Target_type >> &  _MessageBuffer)

Propagates messages in priority order.

_MessageBufferReference to a message queue with messages to be propagated
6409  {
6410  message<_Target_type> * _Msg = _MessageBuffer._Peek();
6412  // If someone has reserved the _Head message, don't propagate anymore
6413  if (this->_M_pReservedFor != NULL)
6414  {
6415  return;
6416  }
6418  while (_Msg != NULL)
6419  {
6420  message_status _Status = declined;
6422  // Always start from the first target that linked
6423  for (target_iterator _Iter = this->_M_connectedTargets.begin(); *_Iter != NULL; ++_Iter)
6424  {
6425  ITarget<_Target_type> * _PTarget = *_Iter;
6426  _Status = _PTarget->propagate(_Msg, this);
6428  // Ownership of message changed. Do not propagate this
6429  // message to any other target.
6430  if (_Status == accepted)
6431  {
6432  break;
6433  }
6435  // If the target just propagated to reserved this message, stop
6436  // propagating it to others
6437  if (this->_M_pReservedFor != NULL)
6438  {
6439  break;
6440  }
6441  }
6443  // If status is anything other than accepted, then the head message
6444  // was not propagated out. Thus, nothing after it in the queue can
6445  // be propagated out. Cease propagation.
6446  if (_Status != accepted)
6447  {
6448  break;
6449  }
6451  // Get the next message
6452  _Msg = _MessageBuffer._Peek();
6453  }
6454  }
_Message * _Peek()
Definition: agents.h:227
multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >::iterator target_iterator
The iterator to walk the connected targets.
Definition: agents.h:4893
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > > _M_connectedTargets
Connected targets
Definition: agents.h:5484
The target did not accept the message.
Definition: agents.h:1751
The valid responses for an offer of a message object to a block.
Definition: agents.h:1740
The target accepted the message.
Definition: agents.h:1746
ITarget< _Target_type > * _M_pReservedFor
Connected target that is holding a reservation
Definition: agents.h:5472
template<class _Type >
virtual message<_Type>* Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::accept_message ( runtime_object_identity  _MsgId)

Accepts a message that was offered by this unbounded_buffer messaging block, transferring ownership to the caller.

_MsgIdThe runtime_object_identity of the offered message object.
A pointer to the message object that the caller now has ownership of.

Implements Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6217  {
6218  //
6219  // Peek at the head message in the message buffer. If the IDs match
6220  // dequeue and transfer ownership
6221  //
6222  message<_Type> * _Msg = NULL;
6224  if (_M_messageBuffer._Is_head(_MsgId))
6225  {
6226  _Msg = _M_messageBuffer._Dequeue();
6227  }
6229  return _Msg;
6230  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
template<class _Type >
virtual message<_Type>* Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::consume_message ( runtime_object_identity  _MsgId)

Consumes a message previously offered by the unbounded_buffer messaging block and reserved by the target, transferring ownership to the caller.

_MsgIdThe runtime_object_identity of the message object being consumed.
A pointer to the message object that the caller now has ownership of.

Similar to accept, but is always preceded by a call to reserve.

Implements Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6267  {
6268  // By default, accept the message
6269  return accept_message(_MsgId);
6270  }
virtual message< _Type > * accept_message(runtime_object_identity _MsgId)
Accepts a message that was offered by this unbounded_buffer messaging block, transferring ownership t...
Definition: agents.h:6216
template<class _Type >
_Type Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::dequeue ( )

Removes an item from the unbounded_buffer messaging block.

The payload of the message removed from the unbounded_buffer.
6112  {
6113  return ::Concurrency::receive<_Type>(this);
6114  }
template<class _Type >
bool Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::enqueue ( _Type const &  _Item)

Adds an item to the unbounded_buffer messaging block.

_ItemThe item to add.
true if the item was accepted, false otherwise.
6100  {
6101  return ::Concurrency::send<_Type>(this, _Item);
6102  }
template<class _Type >
virtual void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::link_target_notification ( _Inout_ ITarget< _Type > *  _PTarget)

A callback that notifies that a new target has been linked to this unbounded_buffer messaging block.

_PTargetA pointer to the newly linked target.
6316  {
6317  // If the message queue is blocked due to reservation
6318  // there is no need to do any message propagation
6319  if (this->_M_pReservedFor != NULL)
6320  {
6321  return;
6322  }
6324  message<_Type> * _Msg = _M_messageBuffer._Peek();
6326  if (_Msg != NULL)
6327  {
6328  // Propagate the head message to the new target
6329  message_status _Status = _PTarget->propagate(_Msg, this);
6331  if (_Status == accepted)
6332  {
6333  // The target accepted the message, restart propagation.
6335  }
6337  // If the status is anything other than accepted, then leave
6338  // the message queue blocked.
6339  }
6340  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
The valid responses for an offer of a message object to a block.
Definition: agents.h:1740
The target accepted the message.
Definition: agents.h:1746
void _Propagate_priority_order(::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Target_type >> &_MessageBuffer)
Propagates messages in priority order.
Definition: agents.h:6408
ITarget< _Target_type > * _M_pReservedFor
Connected target that is holding a reservation
Definition: agents.h:5472
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
template<class _Type >
unbounded_buffer const& Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::operator= ( unbounded_buffer< _Type > const &  )
template<class _Type >
virtual void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::process_input_messages ( _Inout_ message< _Type > *  _PMessage)

Places the message _PMessage in this unbounded_buffer messaging block and tries to offer it to all of the linked targets.

6347  {
6348  if (_PMessage != NULL)
6349  {
6350  _M_processedMessages._Enqueue(_PMessage);
6351  }
6352  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_processedMessages
Message queue used to store processed messages
Definition: agents.h:6484
template<class _Type >
virtual message_status Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::propagate_message ( _Inout_ message< _Type > *  _PMessage,
_Inout_ ISource< _Type > *  _PSource 

Asynchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this unbounded_buffer messaging block. It is invoked by the propagate method, when called by a source block.

_PMessageA pointer to the message object.
_PSourceA pointer to the source block offering the message.
A message_status indication of what the target decided to do with the message.
6139  {
6140  // It is important that calls to propagate do *not* take the same lock on the
6141  // internal structure that is used by <c>consume</c> and the LWT. Doing so could
6142  // result in a deadlock.
6144  message_status _Result = accepted;
6146  // Accept the message being propagated
6147  _PMessage = _PSource->accept(_PMessage->msg_id(), this);
6149  if (_PMessage != NULL)
6150  {
6151  this->async_send(_PMessage);
6152  }
6153  else
6154  {
6155  _Result = missed;
6156  }
6158  return _Result;
6159  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
The valid responses for an offer of a message object to a block.
Definition: agents.h:1740
The target tried to accept the message, but it was no longer available.
Definition: agents.h:1761
The target accepted the message.
Definition: agents.h:1746
virtual void async_send(_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_Msg)
Asynchronously queues up messages and starts a propagation task, if this has not been done already ...
Definition: agents.h:5434
template<class _Type >
virtual void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::propagate_output_messages ( )

Places the message _PMessage in this unbounded_buffer messaging block and tries to offer it to all of the linked targets.

_PMessageA pointer to a message object that this unbounded_buffer has taken ownership of.

If another message is already ahead of this one in the unbounded_buffer, propagation to linked targets will not occur until any earlier messages have been accepted or consumed. The first linked target to successfully accept or consume the message takes ownership, and no other target can then get the message.

Reimplemented from Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6369  {
6370  // Move the messages from the processedMessages queue to the internal storage
6371  // to make them ready for propagating out
6373  // If there are messages in the message queue, the queue is blocked and a
6374  // propagation should not happen unless it has been forced using resume_propagation
6375  bool _FIsBlocked = (_M_messageBuffer._Count() > 0);
6377  for(;;)
6378  {
6379  message<_Type> * _PInputMessage = _M_processedMessages._Dequeue();
6380  if(_PInputMessage == NULL)
6381  {
6382  break;
6383  }
6384  _M_messageBuffer._Enqueue(_PInputMessage);
6385  }
6387  if (_M_fForceRepropagation == false && _FIsBlocked == true)
6388  {
6389  return;
6390  }
6392  // Reset the repropagation flag because a propagation has started.
6393  _M_fForceRepropagation = false;
6395  // Attempt to propagate messages to all the targets
6397  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
bool _M_fForceRepropagation
A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur
Definition: agents.h:6496
void _Propagate_priority_order(::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Target_type >> &_MessageBuffer)
Propagates messages in priority order.
Definition: agents.h:6408
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_processedMessages
Message queue used to store processed messages
Definition: agents.h:6484
template<class _Type >
virtual void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::release_message ( runtime_object_identity  _MsgId)

Releases a previous message reservation.

_MsgIdThe runtime_object_identity of the message object being released.

Implements Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6280  {
6281  // The head message is the one reserved.
6282  if (!_M_messageBuffer._Is_head(_MsgId))
6283  {
6284  throw message_not_found();
6285  }
6286  }
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
template<class _Type >
virtual bool Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::reserve_message ( runtime_object_identity  _MsgId)

Reserves a message previously offered by this unbounded_buffer messaging block.

_MsgIdThe runtime_object_identity of the message object being reserved.
true if the message was successfully reserved, false otherwise.

After reserve is called, if it returns true, either consume or release must be called to either take or release ownership of the message.

Implements Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6247  {
6248  // Allow reservation if this is the head message
6249  return _M_messageBuffer._Is_head(_MsgId);
6250  }
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
template<class _Type >
virtual void Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::resume_propagation ( )

Resumes propagation after a reservation has been released.

Implements Concurrency::source_block< multi_link_registry< ITarget< _Type > >, _MessageProcessorType >.

6293  {
6294  // If there are any messages in the buffer, propagate them out
6295  if (_M_messageBuffer._Count() > 0)
6296  {
6297  // Set the flag to force a repropagation. This flag is cleared when a propagation happens
6298  // The only functions that call this are release, consume, and link_target, all of which
6299  // hold the internal lock, so the flag is guaranteed to be read by propagation, which also
6300  // holds the same lock.
6301  _M_fForceRepropagation = true;
6303  // async send a NULL value to initiate the repropagation
6304  this->async_send(NULL);
6305  }
6306  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
bool _M_fForceRepropagation
A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur
Definition: agents.h:6496
::Concurrency::details::_Queue< message< _Type > > _M_messageBuffer
Message queue used to store messages
Definition: agents.h:6490
virtual void async_send(_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_Msg)
Asynchronously queues up messages and starts a propagation task, if this has not been done already ...
Definition: agents.h:5434
template<class _Type >
virtual message_status Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::send_message ( _Inout_ message< _Type > *  _PMessage,
_Inout_ ISource< _Type > *  _PSource 

Synchronously passes a message from an ISource block to this unbounded_buffer messaging block. It is invoked by the send method, when called by a source block.

_PMessageA pointer to the message object.
_PSourceA pointer to the source block offering the message.
A message_status indication of what the target decided to do with the message.
6177  {
6178  _PMessage = _PSource->accept(_PMessage->msg_id(), this);
6180  if (_PMessage != NULL)
6181  {
6182  this->sync_send(_PMessage);
6183  }
6184  else
6185  {
6186  return missed;
6187  }
6189  return accepted;
6190  }
#define NULL
Definition: vcruntime.h:236
virtual void sync_send(_Inout_opt_ message< _Target_type > *_Msg)
Synchronously queues up messages and starts a propagation task, if this has not been done already...
Definition: agents.h:5420
The target tried to accept the message, but it was no longer available.
Definition: agents.h:1761
The target accepted the message.
Definition: agents.h:1746
template<class _Type >
virtual bool Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::supports_anonymous_source ( )

Overrides the supports_anonymous_source method to indicate that this block can accept messages offered to it by a source that is not linked.

true because the block does not postpone offered messages.

Reimplemented from Concurrency::ITarget< multi_link_registry< ISource< _Type > >::type::source_type >.

6201  {
6202  return true;
6203  }

Member Data Documentation

template<class _Type >
bool Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_M_fForceRepropagation

A bool to signal to the processor to force a repropagation to occur

template<class _Type >
::Concurrency::details::_Queue<message<_Type> > Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_M_messageBuffer

Message queue used to store messages

template<class _Type >
::Concurrency::details::_Queue<message<_Type> > Concurrency::unbounded_buffer< _Type >::_M_processedMessages

Message queue used to store processed messages

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