| __declspec (noreturn) void __stdcall __abi_WinRTraiseException(long) |
| Cancels the currently executing task. This function can be called from within the body of a task to abort the task's execution and cause it to enter the canceled state. While it may be used in response to the is_task_cancellation_requested function, you may also use it by itself, to initiate cancellation of the task that is currently executing. More...
| __declspec (dllimport) long __stdcall __abi_translateCurrentException(bool reserved) |
void | __abi_ThrowIfFailed (long __hrArg) |
long __stdcall | __winRT::__windowsCreateString (const __wchar_t *, int, __abi_HSTRING *) |
long __stdcall | __winRT::__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR (void *,::Platform::Guid &, void **) |
long __stdcall | __winRT::__getIids (int, unsigned long *, const __s_GUID *,::Platform::Guid **) |
__interface | __declspec (uuid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IUnknown |
__interface | __declspec (uuid("3C5C94E8-83BB-4622-B76A-B505AE96E0DF")) __abi_Module |
__interface | __declspec (uuid("00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IMarshal |
long __cdecl | _InterlockedIncrement (long volatile *) |
long __cdecl | _InterlockedDecrement (long volatile *) |
long __cdecl | _InterlockedCompareExchange (long volatile *, long, long) |
void * | _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer (void *volatile *, void *, void *) |
__interface virtual __declspec(uuid("AF86E2E0-B12D-4c6a-9C5A-D7AA65101E90")) __abi_IInspectable long __stdcall | __abi_GetRuntimeClassName (__abi_HSTRING *)=0 |
virtual long __stdcall | __abi_GetTrustLevel (__abi_TrustLevel *)=0 |
__interface virtual __declspec(uuid("00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IClassFactory long __stdcall | __abi_LockServer (int)=0 |
template<typename T > |
EventLock * | Platform::Details::GetStaticEventLock () |
| __declspec (non_user_code) __declspec(no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return) inline void *__abi_winrt_ptr_ctor(const volatile |
| if (__pUnknown!=*__ppTargetUnknown) |
void * | __detach_as_voidptr (void **__ppObjArg) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler (::Platform::Object^,::Platform::Object^*) |
| __declspec (selectany) void *__forceInstantiate1 |
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension> |
::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension > | Platform::Details::__abi_array_attach (void *__src, unsigned int __size, bool __isFastPass, bool __needsInit) |
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension> |
void | Platform::Details::__abi_array_copy_to_and_release (::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension >^__arr, void **__dest, unsigned int *__size) |
template<typename __LowLevelType , typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension> |
__LowLevelType * | Platform::Details::__abi_array_to_raw (const ::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension >^) |
template<typename __TArg > |
__TArg | __winrt_Empty_Struct () |
__declspec(non_user_code) __declspec(non_user_code) long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsCreateString (const ::default::char16 *, unsigned int, __abi_HSTRING *) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsDeleteString (__abi_HSTRING) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsDuplicateString (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING *) |
const ::default::char16 *__stdcall | __Platform_WindowsGetStringRawBuffer (__abi_HSTRING, unsigned int *) |
unsigned int __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsGetStringLen (__abi_HSTRING) |
int __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsIsStringEmpty (__abi_HSTRING) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull (__abi_HSTRING, int *) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsCompareStringOrdinal (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING, int *) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsCreateStringReference (const ::default::char16 *, unsigned int, __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER *, __abi_HSTRING *) |
long __stdcall | __Platform_WindowsConcatString (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING *) |
void *__stdcall | __Platform_CoTaskMemAlloc (size_t) |
void __stdcall | __Platform_CoTaskMemFree (void *) |
size_t __cdecl | __Platform_wcslen (const ::default::char16 *) |
void *__cdecl | __Platform_memset (void *, int, size_t) |
void | Platform::Details::CreateString (const ::default::char16 *__bufferArg, unsigned int __lengthArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg) |
void | Platform::Details::CreateString (const ::default::char16 *__sourceStringArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg) |
void | Platform::Details::DuplicateString (__abi_HSTRING __sourceArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg) |
void | Platform::Details::CreateStringReference (const ::default::char16 *__sourceStringArg, unsigned int __lengthArg, __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER *__hstringHeaderArg, __abi_HSTRING *__stringArg) |
if * | __ppTargetArg (__pRaw) |
| __abi_details::__declspec (non_user_code) __declspec(no_refcount) inline void __abi_delete_String( |
__declspec(dllimport) Platform::String | __abi_CustomToString (void *) |
void __cdecl | Platform::Details::ReportUnhandledError (::Platform::Exception^) |
__declspec(dllexport) long __stdcall ReCreateFromException(__declspec(dllexport) | Platform::Details::__declspec (dllexport) void *__stdcall GetIBoxArrayVtable(void *) |
template<typename T > |
| Platform::Details::CustomBox (T value) |
template<> |
Platform::String | Platform::Details::ToStringInternal< true > () |
template<> |
Platform::String | Platform::Details::ToStringInternal< false > () |
| Platform::if (__boxValue==nullptr) |
return | Platform::dynamic_cast< Box^> (__boxValue) |
| Platform::operator __TBoxValue () |
| Platform::operator Box< const __TBoxValue >^ () |
| Platform::operator Box< volatile __TBoxValue >^ () |
| Platform::operator Box< const volatile __TBoxValue >^ () |
static | Platform::operator Box< __TArg >^ (::Platform::IBox< __TArg >^__boxValueArg) |
template<typename __TArg > |
Platform::Box< typename::Platform::Details::RemoveCV< __TArg >::Type > | __abi_create_box (__TArg __boxValueArg) |
template<typename __TArg > |
__TArg | __abi_unbox (::Platform::Object^__objArg) |
| if (__p==nullptr) |
| Platform::__declspec (no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return) inline String |
const ::default::char16 * | Platform::begin (::Platform::String^__strArg) |
const ::default::char16 * | Platform::end (::Platform::String^__strArg) |
template<typename __TArg > |
inline::Platform::Array< __TArg, 1 > | __abi_winrt_CreateArray (unsigned int __sizeArg) |
| __declspec (no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return) |
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension> |
| Platform::Details::__declspec (no_refcount) |
template<class __TArg > |
__TArg * | Platform::begin (const Array< __TArg, 1 >^__arrArg) |
template<class __TArg > |
__TArg * | Platform::end (const Array< __TArg, 1 >^__arrArg) |
| Platform::Details::__declspec (dllimport) IUnknown *__stdcall GetObjectContext() |
bool | Platform::operator== (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator== (const WeakReference &__aArg, decltype(__nullptr)) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator== (decltype(__nullptr), const WeakReference &__bArg) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator!= (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator!= (const WeakReference &__aArg, decltype(__nullptr)) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator!= (decltype(__nullptr), const WeakReference &__bArg) throw () |
bool | Platform::operator< (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw () |