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vccorlib.h File Reference

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struct  __abi_WinClassInstrumentation
class  __abi_MultiThreadedRefCount
struct  __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER
struct  Platform::Details::EventLock
struct  __abi_dtor_helper
class  Platform::WriteOnlyArray< __TArg, __dimension >
class  Platform::Array< __TArg, __dimension >
class  Platform::Details::sealed
class  __abi_FTMWeakRefData
struct  Platform::Details::__abi_CaptureBase
struct  Platform::Details::__abi_CapturePtr
struct  Platform::Details::__abi_FunctorCapture< __TFunctor, __TReturnType, __TArgs >
class  Platform::ArrayReference< __TArg, __dimension >
struct  Platform::Details::array_helper< __TArg, bool >
class  Platform::WriteOnlyArray< __TArg, 1 >
class  Platform::sealed< __TArg >
struct  __abi___FactoryCache
struct  __abi___classObjectEntry
class  Platform::StringReference
struct  __abi_type_descriptor
class  Platform::Details::CustomValueType
class  Platform::Details::CustomEnum
struct  Platform::Details::BoxValueType< __isEnum >
struct  Platform::Details::BoxValueType< true >
struct  Platform::Details::RemoveConst< __TArg >
struct  Platform::Details::RemoveConst< const __TArg >
struct  Platform::Details::RemoveVolatile< __TArg >
struct  Platform::Details::RemoveVolatile< volatile __TArg >
struct  Platform::Details::RemoveCV< __TArg >
struct  Platform::Details::array_helper< __TArg, true >
struct  Platform::Details::array_helper< __TArg, false >
class  Platform::ArrayReference< __TArg, 1 >
class  Platform::EventSource
class  Platform::Module
class  Platform::WeakReference
struct  Platform::WeakReference::BoolStruct




typedef HSTRING__ * __abi_HSTRING
typedef struct __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER


enum  __abi_TrustLevel { __abi_BaseTrust = 0, __abi_PartialTrust = (__abi_BaseTrust + 1), __abi_FullTrust = (__abi_PartialTrust + 1) }


 __declspec (noreturn) void __stdcall __abi_WinRTraiseException(long)
 Cancels the currently executing task. This function can be called from within the body of a task to abort the task's execution and cause it to enter the canceled state. While it may be used in response to the is_task_cancellation_requested function, you may also use it by itself, to initiate cancellation of the task that is currently executing. More...
 __declspec (dllimport) long __stdcall __abi_translateCurrentException(bool reserved)
void __abi_ThrowIfFailed (long __hrArg)
long __stdcall __winRT::__windowsCreateString (const __wchar_t *, int, __abi_HSTRING *)
long __stdcall __winRT::__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR (void *,::Platform::Guid &, void **)
long __stdcall __winRT::__getIids (int, unsigned long *, const __s_GUID *,::Platform::Guid **)
__interface __declspec (uuid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IUnknown
__interface __declspec (uuid("3C5C94E8-83BB-4622-B76A-B505AE96E0DF")) __abi_Module
__interface __declspec (uuid("00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IMarshal
long __cdecl _InterlockedIncrement (long volatile *)
long __cdecl _InterlockedDecrement (long volatile *)
long __cdecl _InterlockedCompareExchange (long volatile *, long, long)
void_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer (void *volatile *, void *, void *)
__interface virtual __declspec(uuid("AF86E2E0-B12D-4c6a-9C5A-D7AA65101E90")) __abi_IInspectable long __stdcall __abi_GetRuntimeClassName (__abi_HSTRING *)=0
virtual long __stdcall __abi_GetTrustLevel (__abi_TrustLevel *)=0
__interface virtual __declspec(uuid("00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IClassFactory long __stdcall __abi_LockServer (int)=0
template<typename T >
EventLock * Platform::Details::GetStaticEventLock ()
 __declspec (non_user_code) __declspec(no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return) inline void *__abi_winrt_ptr_ctor(const volatile
 if (__pUnknown!=*__ppTargetUnknown)
void__detach_as_voidptr (void **__ppObjArg)
long __stdcall __Platform_CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler (::Platform::Object^,::Platform::Object^*)
 __declspec (selectany) void *__forceInstantiate1
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension>
::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension > Platform::Details::__abi_array_attach (void *__src, unsigned int __size, bool __isFastPass, bool __needsInit)
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension>
void Platform::Details::__abi_array_copy_to_and_release (::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension >^__arr, void **__dest, unsigned int *__size)
template<typename __LowLevelType , typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension>
__LowLevelType * Platform::Details::__abi_array_to_raw (const ::Platform::Array< __HighLevelType, __dimension >^)
template<typename __TArg >
__TArg __winrt_Empty_Struct ()
__declspec(non_user_code) __declspec(non_user_code) long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCreateString (const ::default::char16 *, unsigned int, __abi_HSTRING *)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsDeleteString (__abi_HSTRING)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsDuplicateString (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING *)
const ::default::char16 *__stdcall __Platform_WindowsGetStringRawBuffer (__abi_HSTRING, unsigned int *)
unsigned int __stdcall __Platform_WindowsGetStringLen (__abi_HSTRING)
int __stdcall __Platform_WindowsIsStringEmpty (__abi_HSTRING)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull (__abi_HSTRING, int *)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCompareStringOrdinal (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING, int *)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCreateStringReference (const ::default::char16 *, unsigned int, __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER *, __abi_HSTRING *)
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsConcatString (__abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING, __abi_HSTRING *)
void *__stdcall __Platform_CoTaskMemAlloc (size_t)
void __stdcall __Platform_CoTaskMemFree (void *)
size_t __cdecl __Platform_wcslen (const ::default::char16 *)
void *__cdecl __Platform_memset (void *, int, size_t)
void Platform::Details::CreateString (const ::default::char16 *__bufferArg, unsigned int __lengthArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg)
void Platform::Details::CreateString (const ::default::char16 *__sourceStringArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg)
void Platform::Details::DuplicateString (__abi_HSTRING __sourceArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg)
void Platform::Details::CreateStringReference (const ::default::char16 *__sourceStringArg, unsigned int __lengthArg, __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER *__hstringHeaderArg, __abi_HSTRING *__stringArg)
if__ppTargetArg (__pRaw)
 __abi_details::__declspec (non_user_code) __declspec(no_refcount) inline void __abi_delete_String(
__declspec(dllimport) Platform::String __abi_CustomToString (void *)
void __cdecl Platform::Details::ReportUnhandledError (::Platform::Exception^)
__declspec(dllexport) long __stdcall ReCreateFromException(__declspec(dllexport) Platform::Details::__declspec (dllexport) void *__stdcall GetIBoxArrayVtable(void *)
template<typename T >
 Platform::Details::CustomBox (T value)
Platform::String Platform::Details::ToStringInternal< true > ()
Platform::String Platform::Details::ToStringInternal< false > ()
 Platform::if (__boxValue==nullptr)
return Platform::dynamic_cast< Box^> (__boxValue)
 Platform::operator __TBoxValue ()
 Platform::operator Box< const __TBoxValue >^ ()
 Platform::operator Box< volatile __TBoxValue >^ ()
 Platform::operator Box< const volatile __TBoxValue >^ ()
static Platform::operator Box< __TArg >^ (::Platform::IBox< __TArg >^__boxValueArg)
template<typename __TArg >
Platform::Box< typename::Platform::Details::RemoveCV< __TArg >::Type > __abi_create_box (__TArg __boxValueArg)
template<typename __TArg >
__TArg __abi_unbox (::Platform::Object^__objArg)
 if (__p==nullptr)
 Platform::__declspec (no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return) inline String
const ::default::char16 * Platform::begin (::Platform::String^__strArg)
const ::default::char16 * Platform::end (::Platform::String^__strArg)
template<typename __TArg >
inline::Platform::Array< __TArg, 1 > __abi_winrt_CreateArray (unsigned int __sizeArg)
 __declspec (no_refcount) __declspec(no_release_return)
template<typename __HighLevelType , unsigned int __dimension>
 Platform::Details::__declspec (no_refcount)
template<class __TArg >
__TArg * Platform::begin (const Array< __TArg, 1 >^__arrArg)
template<class __TArg >
__TArg * Platform::end (const Array< __TArg, 1 >^__arrArg)
 Platform::Details::__declspec (dllimport) IUnknown *__stdcall GetObjectContext()
bool Platform::operator== (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw ()
bool Platform::operator== (const WeakReference &__aArg, decltype(__nullptr)) throw ()
bool Platform::operator== (decltype(__nullptr), const WeakReference &__bArg) throw ()
bool Platform::operator!= (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw ()
bool Platform::operator!= (const WeakReference &__aArg, decltype(__nullptr)) throw ()
bool Platform::operator!= (decltype(__nullptr), const WeakReference &__bArg) throw ()
bool Platform::operator< (const WeakReference &__aArg, const WeakReference &__bArg) throw ()


template<typename __TArg >
ref class __declspec(one_phase_constructed) __declspec(layout_as_external) __declspec(no_empty_identity_interface) Box override typedef::Platform::Details::RemoveCV< __TArg >::Type Platform::__TBoxValue
__abi_Module * __abi_module
__interface __declspec (uuid("00000035-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IActivationFactory
const volatile::Platform::Object __objArg __abi_IUnknown * __pUnknown = reinterpret_cast<__abi_IUnknown*>(const_cast< ::Platform::Object^>(__objArg))
__abi_IUnknown ** __ppTargetUnknown = reinterpret_cast<__abi_IUnknown**>(__ppTargetArg)
const volatile T __objArg
const volatile::Platform::String __pSourceArg auto __pRaw = reinterpret_cast<__abi_HSTRING>((const_cast< ::Platform::String^>(__pSourceArg)))
virtual property T Platform::Details::Value
internal Platform::__pad0__
::Platform::Object Platform::__boxValue = Details::CreateValue(__typeCode, &__valueArg)
virtual property __TBoxValue Platform::Value
unsigned Platform::Details::int

Typedef Documentation

typedef HSTRING__* __abi_HSTRING

Enumeration Type Documentation

190 {
191  __abi_BaseTrust = 0,
194 };
Definition: vccorlib.h:191
Definition: vccorlib.h:192
Definition: vccorlib.h:193

Function Documentation

template<typename __TArg >
Platform::Box<typename ::Platform::Details::RemoveCV<__TArg>::Type> __abi_create_box ( __TArg  __boxValueArg)
1696 {
1697  return ref new ::Platform::Box<__TArg>(__boxValueArg);
1698 }
reference_wrapper< _Ty > ref(_Ty &_Val) _NOEXCEPT
Definition: xrefwrap:691
__declspec (dllimport) Platform::String __abi_CustomToString ( void )
1383 {
1384  return nullptr;
1385 }
__interface virtual __declspec (uuid("AF86E2E0-B12D-4c6a-9C5A-D7AA65101E90")) __abi_IInspectable long __stdcall __abi_GetRuntimeClassName ( __abi_HSTRING )
pure virtual
virtual long __stdcall __abi_GetTrustLevel ( __abi_TrustLevel )
pure virtual
__interface virtual __declspec (uuid("00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IClassFactory long __stdcall __abi_LockServer ( int  )
pure virtual
void __abi_ThrowIfFailed ( long  __hrArg)
92 {
93  if (__hrArg < 0)
94  {
95  __abi_WinRTraiseException(__hrArg);
96  }
97 }
template<typename __TArg >
__TArg __abi_unbox ( ::Platform::Object^  __objArg)
1702 {
1703  return safe_cast< ::Platform::Box<__TArg>^>(__objArg);
1704 }
const volatile T __objArg
Definition: vccorlib.h:424
template<typename __TArg >
inline ::Platform::Array<__TArg, 1> __abi_winrt_CreateArray ( unsigned int  __sizeArg)
1965 {
1966  return ref new ::Platform::Array<__TArg, 1>(__sizeArg);
1967 }
reference_wrapper< _Ty > ref(_Ty &_Val) _NOEXCEPT
Definition: xrefwrap:691
__declspec ( noreturn  )

Cancels the currently executing task. This function can be called from within the body of a task to abort the task's execution and cause it to enter the canceled state. While it may be used in response to the is_task_cancellation_requested function, you may also use it by itself, to initiate cancellation of the task that is currently executing.

It is not a supported scenario to call this function if you are not within the body of a task. Doing so will result in undefined behavior such as a crash or a hang in your application.

See also
task Class
1072 {
1073  switch (__hrArg)
1074  {
1075  case 0x80004001L: // E_NOTIMPL
1076  __abi_WinRTraiseNotImplementedException();
1078  case 0x80004002L: // E_NOINTERFACE
1079  __abi_WinRTraiseInvalidCastException();
1081  case 0x80004003L: // E_POINTER
1082  __abi_WinRTraiseNullReferenceException();
1084  case 0x80004004L: // E_ABORT
1085  __abi_WinRTraiseOperationCanceledException();
1087  case 0x80004005L: // E_FAIL
1088  __abi_WinRTraiseFailureException();
1090  case 0x80070005L: // E_ACCESSDENIED
1091  __abi_WinRTraiseAccessDeniedException();
1093  case 0x8007000EL: // E_OUTOFMEMORY
1094  __abi_WinRTraiseOutOfMemoryException();
1096  case 0x80070057L: // E_INVALIDARG
1097  __abi_WinRTraiseInvalidArgumentException();
1099  case 0x8000000BL: // E_BOUNDS
1100  __abi_WinRTraiseOutOfBoundsException();
1102  case 0x8000000CL: // E_CHANGED_STATE
1103  __abi_WinRTraiseChangedStateException();
1105  case 0x80040154L: // REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG
1106  __abi_WinRTraiseClassNotRegisteredException();
1108  case 0x8001010EL: // RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD
1109  __abi_WinRTraiseWrongThreadException();
1111  case 0x80010108L: // RPC_E_DISCONNECTED
1112  __abi_WinRTraiseDisconnectedException();
1114  case 0x80000013L: // RO_E_CLOSED
1115  __abi_WinRTraiseObjectDisposedException();
1117  default:
1118  __abi_WinRTraiseCOMException(__hrArg);
1119  break;
1120  }
1121 }
__declspec ( dllimport  )
__interface __declspec ( uuid("00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")  )
182 {
183 public:
184  virtual long __stdcall __abi_QueryInterface(::Platform::Guid&, void**) = 0;
185  virtual unsigned long __stdcall __abi_AddRef() = 0;
186  virtual unsigned long __stdcall __abi_Release() = 0;
187 };
__interface __declspec ( uuid("3C5C94E8-83BB-4622-B76A-B505AE96E0DF")  )
197 {
198 public:
199  virtual unsigned long __stdcall __abi_IncrementObjectCount() = 0;
200  virtual unsigned long __stdcall __abi_DecrementObjectCount() = 0;
201 };
__interface __declspec ( uuid("00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")  )
__declspec ( non_user_code  ) const volatile
372 {
373  __abi_IUnknown* __pUnknown = reinterpret_cast<__abi_IUnknown*>(const_cast< ::Platform::Object^>(__objArg));
374  if (__pUnknown) {
375  __pUnknown->__abi_AddRef();
376  }
377  return __pUnknown;
378 }
const volatile T __objArg
Definition: vccorlib.h:424
const volatile::Platform::Object __objArg __abi_IUnknown * __pUnknown
Definition: vccorlib.h:392
__declspec ( selectany  )
__declspec ( no_refcount  )
1970 {
1971  __abi_HSTRING __hstr;
1972  ::Platform::Details::CreateStringReference(__strArg, __lenArg, __psheaderArg, &__hstr);
1973  return *reinterpret_cast< ::Platform::String^*>(&__hstr);
1974 }
void CreateStringReference(const ::default::char16 *__sourceStringArg, unsigned int __lengthArg, __Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER *__hstringHeaderArg, __abi_HSTRING *__stringArg)
Definition: vccorlib.h:1210
Definition: vccorlib.h:80
void* __detach_as_voidptr ( void **  __ppObjArg)
531 {
532  void* __pObj = *__ppObjArg;
533  *__ppObjArg = nullptr;
534  return __pObj;
535 }
long __stdcall __Platform_CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler ( ::Platform::Object^  ,
void* __stdcall __Platform_CoTaskMemAlloc ( size_t  )
void __stdcall __Platform_CoTaskMemFree ( void )
void* __cdecl __Platform_memset ( void ,
int  ,
size_t __cdecl __Platform_wcslen ( const ::default::char16 *  )
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCompareStringOrdinal ( __abi_HSTRING  ,
__abi_HSTRING  ,
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsConcatString ( __abi_HSTRING  ,
__abi_HSTRING  ,
__declspec (non_user_code) __declspec (non_user_code) long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCreateString ( const ::default::char16 *  ,
unsigned  int,
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsCreateStringReference ( const ::default::char16 *  ,
unsigned  int,
__Platform_Details_HSTRING_HEADER ,
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsDeleteString ( __abi_HSTRING  )
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsDuplicateString ( __abi_HSTRING  ,
unsigned int __stdcall __Platform_WindowsGetStringLen ( __abi_HSTRING  )
const ::default::char16* __stdcall __Platform_WindowsGetStringRawBuffer ( __abi_HSTRING  ,
unsigned int  
int __stdcall __Platform_WindowsIsStringEmpty ( __abi_HSTRING  )
long __stdcall __Platform_WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull ( __abi_HSTRING  ,
if * __ppTargetArg ( __pRaw  )
1340  {
1341  if (*__ppTargetArg)
1342  {
1343  __abi_details::__abi_delete_String(reinterpret_cast< ::Platform::String^>(*__ppTargetArg));
1344  }
1345  *__ppTargetArg = nullptr;
1346  if (__pSourceArg)
1347  {
1348  __abi_HSTRING __hstr;
1350  *__ppTargetArg = __hstr;
1351  }
1352  }
return * __ppTargetArg
Definition: vccorlib.h:1353
const volatile::Platform::String __pSourceArg auto __pRaw
Definition: vccorlib.h:1338
void DuplicateString(__abi_HSTRING __sourceArg, __abi_HSTRING *__destArg)
Definition: vccorlib.h:1199
Definition: vccorlib.h:80
template<typename __TArg >
__TArg __winrt_Empty_Struct ( )
1040 {
1041  unsigned char __bytes[sizeof(__TArg)];
1042  __Platform_memset(__bytes, 0, sizeof(__TArg));
1044  return (__TArg&)__bytes;
1045 }
void *__cdecl __Platform_memset(void *, int, size_t)
long __cdecl _InterlockedCompareExchange ( long volatile *  ,
long  ,
void* _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer ( void *volatile *  ,
void ,
long __cdecl _InterlockedDecrement ( long volatile *  )
long __cdecl _InterlockedIncrement ( long volatile *  )
if ( __pUnknown!  = *__ppTargetUnknown)
395  {
396  if (__pUnknown) {
397  __pUnknown->__abi_AddRef();
398  }
399  if (*__ppTargetUnknown) {
400  (*__ppTargetUnknown)->__abi_Release();
401  }
403  }
const volatile::Platform::Object __objArg __abi_IUnknown * __pUnknown
Definition: vccorlib.h:392
__abi_IUnknown ** __ppTargetUnknown
Definition: vccorlib.h:393
if ( __p  = = nullptr)
1715  {
1716  if (__isDynamicCastArg) {
1717  return nullptr;
1718  }
1720  __abi_WinRTraiseInvalidCastException();
1721  } else {

Variable Documentation

__abi_Module* __abi_module
__interface __declspec(uuid("00000037-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")) __abi_IWeakReference
Platform::Object __objArg
Initial value:
return __abi_winrt_ptr_assign(__ppTargetArg, reinterpret_cast<const volatile ::Platform::Object^>(__objArg))
return * __ppTargetArg
Definition: vccorlib.h:1353
const volatile T __objArg
Definition: vccorlib.h:424
return* __ppTargetArg
__abi_IUnknown ** __ppTargetUnknown = reinterpret_cast<__abi_IUnknown**>(__ppTargetArg)
const volatile ::Platform::String __pSourceArg auto __pRaw = reinterpret_cast<__abi_HSTRING>((const_cast< ::Platform::String^>(__pSourceArg)))
return __pUnknown = reinterpret_cast<__abi_IUnknown*>(const_cast< ::Platform::Object^>(__objArg))
Initial value:
return __p->Value