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math.h File Reference
#include <crtdefs.h>

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struct  _exception
struct  _complex
union  _double_val
union  _float_val
union  _ldouble_val
union  _float_const


#define complex   _complex
#define _DOMAIN   1 /* argument domain error */
#define _SING   2 /* argument singularity */
#define _OVERFLOW   3 /* overflow range error */
#define _UNDERFLOW   4 /* underflow range error */
#define _TLOSS   5 /* total loss of precision */
#define _PLOSS   6 /* partial loss of precision */
#define EDOM   33
#define ERANGE   34
#define HUGE_VAL   _HUGE
#define _HUGE_ENUF   1e+300 /* _HUGE_ENUF*_HUGE_ENUF must overflow */
#define INFINITY   ((float)(_HUGE_ENUF * _HUGE_ENUF)) /* causes warning C4756: overflow in constant arithmetic (by design) */
#define HUGE_VALD   ((double)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALF   ((float)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALL   ((long double)INFINITY)
#define NAN   ((float)(INFINITY * 0.0F))
#define _DENORM   (-2)
#define _FINITE   (-1)
#define _INFCODE   1
#define _NANCODE   2
#define FP_NAN   _NANCODE
#define FP_ZERO   0
#define _C2   1 /* 0 if not 2's complement */
#define _FP_ILOGB0   (-0x7fffffff - _C2)
#define _FP_ILOGBNAN   0x7fffffff
#define MATH_ERRNO   1
#define MATH_ERREXCEPT   2
#define math_errhandling   (MATH_ERRNO | MATH_ERREXCEPT)
#define _FE_DIVBYZERO   0x04
#define _FE_INEXACT   0x20
#define _FE_INVALID   0x01
#define _FE_OVERFLOW   0x08
#define _FE_UNDERFLOW   0x10
#define _D0_C   3 /* little-endian, small long doubles */
#define _D1_C   2
#define _D2_C   1
#define _D3_C   0
#define _DBIAS   0x3fe
#define _DOFF   4
#define _F0_C   1 /* little-endian */
#define _F1_C   0
#define _FBIAS   0x7e
#define _FOFF   7
#define _FRND   1
#define _L0_C   3 /* little-endian, 64-bit long doubles */
#define _L1_C   2
#define _L2_C   1
#define _L3_C   0
#define _LBIAS   0x3fe
#define _LOFF   4
#define _DFRAC   ((unsigned short)((1 << _DOFF) - 1))
#define _DMASK   ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_DFRAC))
#define _DMAX   ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _DOFF)) - 1))
#define _DSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _FFRAC   ((unsigned short)((1 << _FOFF) - 1))
#define _FMASK   ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_FFRAC))
#define _FMAX   ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _FOFF)) - 1))
#define _FSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _LFRAC   ((unsigned short)(-1))
#define _LMASK   ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LMAX   ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define HUGE_EXP   (int)(_DMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define VHUGE_EXP   (int)(_VMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define FHUGE_EXP   (int)(_FMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define LHUGE_EXP   (int)(_LMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define DSIGN_C(_Val)   (((_double_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_D0_C] & _DSIGN)
#define FSIGN_C(_Val)   (((_float_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_F0_C] & _FSIGN)
#define LSIGN_C(_Val)   (((_ldouble_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_L0_C] & _LSIGN)
#define _FP_LT   1
#define _FP_EQ   2
#define _FP_GT   4
#define _CLASS_ARG(_Val)   (sizeof ((_Val) + (float)0) == sizeof (float) ? 'f' : sizeof ((_Val) + (double)0) == sizeof (double) ? 'd' : 'l')
#define _CLASSIFY(_Val, _FFunc, _DFunc, _LDFunc)   (_CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val)) : _CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val)))
#define _CLASSIFY2(_Val1, _Val2, _FFunc, _DFunc, _LDFunc)   (_CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val1), (float)(_Val2)) : _CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val1), (double)(_Val2)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val1), (long double)(_Val2)))
#define fpclassify(_Val)   (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdclass, _dclass, _ldclass))
#define _FPCOMPARE(_Val1, _Val2)   (_CLASSIFY2(_Val1, _Val2, _fdpcomp, _dpcomp, _ldpcomp))
#define isfinite(_Val)   (fpclassify(_Val) <= 0)
#define isinf(_Val)   (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_INFINITE)
#define isnan(_Val)   (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NAN)
#define isnormal(_Val)   (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NORMAL)
#define signbit(_Val)   (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdsign, _dsign, _ldsign))
#define isgreater(x, y)   ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_GT) != 0)
#define isgreaterequal(x, y)   ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_EQ | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isless(x, y)   ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_LT) != 0)
#define islessequal(x, y)   ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_EQ)) != 0)
#define islessgreater(x, y)   ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isunordered(x, y)   (_FPCOMPARE(x, y) == 0)
#define _matherrl   _matherr
#define DOMAIN   _DOMAIN
#define SING   _SING
#define TLOSS   _TLOSS
#define PLOSS   _PLOSS
#define matherr   _matherr


typedef float float_t
typedef double double_t


void __cdecl _fperrraise (_In_ int _Except)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dclass (_In_ double _X)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldclass (_In_ long double _X)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdclass (_In_ float _X)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _dsign (_In_ double _X)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldsign (_In_ long double _X)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdsign (_In_ float _X)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _dpcomp (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldpcomp (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdpcomp (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dtest (_In_ double *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldtest (_In_ long double *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdtest (_In_ float *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _d_int (_In_ double *_Px, _In_ short _Xexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ld_int (_In_ long double *_Px, _In_ short _Xexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fd_int (_In_ float *_Px, _In_ short _Xexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dscale (_In_ double *_Px, _In_ long _Lexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldscale (_In_ long double *_Px, _In_ long _Lexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdscale (_In_ float *_Px, _In_ long _Lexp)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dunscale (_In_ short *_Pex, _In_ double *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldunscale (_In_ short *_Pex, _In_ long double *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdunscale (_In_ short *_Pex, _In_ float *_Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dexp (_In_ double *_Px, _In_ double _Y, _In_ long _Eoff)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldexp (_In_ long double *_Px, _In_ long double _Y, _In_ long _Eoff)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdexp (_In_ float *_Px, _In_ float _Y, _In_ long _Eoff)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dnorm (_In_ unsigned short *_Ps)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdnorm (_In_ unsigned short *_Ps)
double __cdecl _dpoly (_In_ double _X, _In_ const double *_Tab, _In_ int _N)
long double __cdecl _ldpoly (_In_ long double _X, _In_ const long double *_Tab, _In_ int _N)
float __cdecl _fdpoly (_In_ float _X, _In_ const float *_Tab, _In_ int _N)
double _CRTIMP __cdecl _dlog (_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Baseflag)
long double _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldlog (_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Baseflag)
float _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdlog (_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Baseflag)
double _CRTIMP __cdecl _dsin (_In_ double _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff)
long double _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldsin (_In_ long double _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff)
float _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdsin (_In_ float _X, _In_ unsigned int _Qoff)
int __cdecl abs (_In_ int _X)
long __cdecl labs (_In_ long _X)
long long __cdecl llabs (_In_ long long _X)
double __cdecl acos (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl acosh (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl asin (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl asinh (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl atan (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl atanh (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl atan2 (_In_ double _Y, _In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl cbrt (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl copysign (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
double __cdecl cos (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl cosh (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl erf (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl erfc (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl exp (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl exp2 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl expm1 (_In_ double _X)
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fdim (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fma (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y, _In_ double _Z)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fmax (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fmin (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
double __cdecl fmod (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogb (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl lgamma (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrint (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llround (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl log (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl log10 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl log1p (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl log2 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl logb (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrint (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lround (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nan (_In_ const char *)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nearbyint (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nextafter (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nexttoward (_In_ double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
double __cdecl pow (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl remainder (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl remquo (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y, _Out_ int *_Z)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl rint (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl round (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl scalbln (_In_ double _X, _In_ long _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl scalbn (_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y)
double __cdecl sin (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl sinh (_In_ double _X)
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl tan (_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl tanh (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl tgamma (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl trunc (_In_ double _X)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl atof (_In_z_ const char *_String)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l (_In_z_ const char *_String, _In_opt_ _locale_t _Locale)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs (_In_ struct _complex _Complex_value)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil (_In_ double _X)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign (_In_ double _X)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign (_In_ double _Number, _In_ double _Sign)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl floor (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp (_In_ double _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _j0 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _j1 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _jn (int _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp (_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y)
int __cdecl _matherr (_Inout_ struct _exception *_Except)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl modf (_In_ double _X, _Out_ double *_Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _y0 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _y1 (_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _yn (_In_ int _X, _In_ double _Y)
__inline double __CRTDECL hypot (_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl acoshf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl asinhf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl atanhf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl cbrtf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl copysignf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf (_In_ float _Number, _In_ float _Sign)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl erff (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl erfcf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl expm1f (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl exp2f (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fdimf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fmaf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y, _In_ float _Z)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fmaxf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fminf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl lgammaf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl log1pf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl log2f (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl logbf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrintf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lroundf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nanf (_In_ const char *)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nearbyintf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nextafterf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nexttowardf (_In_ float _X, _In_ long double _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl remainderf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl remquof (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y, _Out_ int *_Z)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl rintf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl roundf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl scalblnf (_In_ float _X, _In_ long _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl scalbnf (_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Y)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl tgammaf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl truncf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL acosf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL asinf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL atan2f (_In_ float _Y, _In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL atanf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL ceilf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL cosf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL coshf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL expf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL fabsf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL floorf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL fmodf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL frexpf (_In_ float _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL hypotf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL ldexpf (_In_ float _X, _In_ int _Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL log10f (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL logf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL modff (_In_ float _X, _Out_ float *_Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL powf (_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL sinf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL sinhf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL sqrtf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL tanf (_In_ float _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL tanhf (_In_ float _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl acoshl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL acosl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl asinhl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL asinl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL atan2l (_In_ long double _Y, _In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl atanhl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL atanl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl cbrtl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL ceill (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL _chgsignl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl copysignl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL _copysignl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL coshl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL cosl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl erfl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl erfcl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL expl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl exp2l (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl expm1l (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL fabsl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fdiml (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL floorl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fmal (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y, _In_ long double _Z)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fmaxl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fminl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL fmodl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL frexpl (_In_ long double _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL _hypotl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL hypotl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL ldexpl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl lgammal (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL logl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL log10l (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl log1pl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl log2l (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl logbl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrintl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lroundl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL modfl (_In_ long double _X, _Out_ long double *_Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nanl (_In_ const char *)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nearbyintl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nextafterl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nexttowardl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL powl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl remainderl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl remquol (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long double _Y, _Out_ int *_Z)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl rintl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl roundl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl scalblnl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ long _Y)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl scalbnl (_In_ long double _X, _In_ int _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sinhl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sinl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sqrtl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL tanhl (_In_ long double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL tanl (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl tgammal (_In_ long double _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl truncl (_In_ long double _X)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_j0) _CRTIMP double __cdecl j0(_In_ double _X)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_j1) _CRTIMP double __cdecl j1(_In_ double _X)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_jn) _CRTIMP double __cdecl jn(_In_ int _X
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_y0) _CRTIMP double __cdecl y0(_In_ double _X)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_y1) _CRTIMP double __cdecl y1(_In_ double _X)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_yn) _CRTIMP double __cdecl yn(_In_ int _X


_CRTIMP double _HUGE
const _float_const _Denorm_C
const _float_const _Inf_C
const _float_const _Nan_C
const _float_const _Snan_C
const _float_const _Hugeval_C
const _float_const _FDenorm_C
const _float_const _FInf_C
const _float_const _FNan_C
const _float_const _FSnan_C
const _float_const _LDenorm_C
const _float_const _LInf_C
const _float_const _LNan_C
const _float_const _LSnan_C
const _float_const _Eps_C
const _float_const _Rteps_C
const _float_const _FEps_C
const _float_const _FRteps_C
const _float_const _LEps_C
const _float_const _LRteps_C
const double _Zero_C
const double _Xbig_C
const float _FZero_C
const float _FXbig_C
const long double _LZero_C
const long double _LXbig_C
_In_ double _Y

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _C2   1 /* 0 if not 2's complement */
#define _CLASS_ARG (   _Val)    (sizeof ((_Val) + (float)0) == sizeof (float) ? 'f' : sizeof ((_Val) + (double)0) == sizeof (double) ? 'd' : 'l')
#define _CLASSIFY (   _Val,
)    (_CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val)) : _CLASS_ARG(_Val) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val)))
#define _CLASSIFY2 (   _Val1,
)    (_CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'f' ? _FFunc((float)(_Val1), (float)(_Val2)) : _CLASS_ARG((_Val1) + (_Val2)) == 'd' ? _DFunc((double)(_Val1), (double)(_Val2)) : _LDFunc((long double)(_Val1), (long double)(_Val2)))
#define _D0_C   3 /* little-endian, small long doubles */
#define _D1_C   2
#define _D2_C   1
#define _D3_C   0
#define _DBIAS   0x3fe
#define _DENORM   (-2)
#define _DFRAC   ((unsigned short)((1 << _DOFF) - 1))
#define _DMASK   ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_DFRAC))
#define _DMAX   ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _DOFF)) - 1))
#define _DOFF   4
#define _DOMAIN   1 /* argument domain error */
#define _DSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _F0_C   1 /* little-endian */
#define _F1_C   0
#define _FBIAS   0x7e
#define _FE_DIVBYZERO   0x04
#define _FE_INEXACT   0x20
#define _FE_INVALID   0x01
#define _FE_OVERFLOW   0x08
#define _FE_UNDERFLOW   0x10
#define _FFRAC   ((unsigned short)((1 << _FOFF) - 1))
#define _FINITE   (-1)
#define _FMASK   ((unsigned short)(0x7fff & ~_FFRAC))
#define _FMAX   ((unsigned short)((1 << (15 - _FOFF)) - 1))
#define _FOFF   7
#define _FP_EQ   2
#define _FP_GT   4
#define _FP_ILOGB0   (-0x7fffffff - _C2)
#define _FP_ILOGBNAN   0x7fffffff
#define _FP_LT   1
#define _FPCOMPARE (   _Val1,
)    (_CLASSIFY2(_Val1, _Val2, _fdpcomp, _dpcomp, _ldpcomp))
#define _FRND   1
#define _FSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _HUGE_ENUF   1e+300 /* _HUGE_ENUF*_HUGE_ENUF must overflow */
#define _INFCODE   1
#define _L0_C   3 /* little-endian, 64-bit long doubles */
#define _L1_C   2
#define _L2_C   1
#define _L3_C   0
#define _LBIAS   0x3fe
#define _LFRAC   ((unsigned short)(-1))
#define _LMASK   ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LMAX   ((unsigned short)0x7fff)
#define _LOFF   4
#define _LSIGN   ((unsigned short)0x8000)
#define _matherrl   _matherr
#define _NANCODE   2
#define _OVERFLOW   3 /* overflow range error */
#define _PLOSS   6 /* partial loss of precision */
#define _SING   2 /* argument singularity */
#define _TLOSS   5 /* total loss of precision */
#define _UNDERFLOW   4 /* underflow range error */
#define complex   _complex
#define DOMAIN   _DOMAIN
#define DSIGN_C (   _Val)    (((_double_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_D0_C] & _DSIGN)
#define EDOM   33
#define ERANGE   34
#define FHUGE_EXP   (int)(_FMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define FP_NAN   _NANCODE
#define FP_ZERO   0
#define fpclassify (   _Val)    (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdclass, _dclass, _ldclass))
#define FSIGN_C (   _Val)    (((_float_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_F0_C] & _FSIGN)
#define HUGE_EXP   (int)(_DMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define HUGE_VAL   _HUGE
#define HUGE_VALD   ((double)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALF   ((float)INFINITY)
#define HUGE_VALL   ((long double)INFINITY)
#define INFINITY   ((float)(_HUGE_ENUF * _HUGE_ENUF)) /* causes warning C4756: overflow in constant arithmetic (by design) */
#define isfinite (   _Val)    (fpclassify(_Val) <= 0)
#define isgreater (   x,
)    ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_GT) != 0)
#define isgreaterequal (   x,
)    ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_EQ | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isinf (   _Val)    (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_INFINITE)
#define isless (   x,
)    ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & _FP_LT) != 0)
#define islessequal (   x,
)    ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_EQ)) != 0)
#define islessgreater (   x,
)    ((_FPCOMPARE(x, y) & (_FP_LT | _FP_GT)) != 0)
#define isnan (   _Val)    (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NAN)
#define isnormal (   _Val)    (fpclassify(_Val) == FP_NORMAL)
#define isunordered (   x,
)    (_FPCOMPARE(x, y) == 0)
#define LHUGE_EXP   (int)(_LMAX * 900L / 1000)
#define LSIGN_C (   _Val)    (((_ldouble_val *)(char *)&(_Val))->_Sh[_L0_C] & _LSIGN)
#define MATH_ERREXCEPT   2
#define math_errhandling   (MATH_ERRNO | MATH_ERREXCEPT)
#define MATH_ERRNO   1
#define matherr   _matherr
#define NAN   ((float)(INFINITY * 0.0F))
#define PLOSS   _PLOSS
#define signbit (   _Val)    (_CLASSIFY(_Val, _fdsign, _dsign, _ldsign))
#define SING   _SING
#define TLOSS   _TLOSS
#define VHUGE_EXP   (int)(_VMAX * 900L / 1000)

Typedef Documentation

typedef double double_t
typedef float float_t

Function Documentation

_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _atof_l ( _In_z_ const char *  _String,
_In_opt_ _locale_t  _Locale 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _cabs ( _In_ struct _complex  _Complex_value)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _chgsignf ( _In_ float  _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL _chgsignl ( _In_ long double  _X)
824 {
825  return _chgsign((double)_X);
826 }
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _chgsign(_In_ double _X)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign ( _In_ double  _Number,
_In_ double  _Sign 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _copysignf ( _In_ float  _Number,
_In_ float  _Sign 
__inline long double __CRTDECL _copysignl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
831 {
832  return _copysign((double)_X, (double)_Y);
833 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl _copysign(_In_ double _Number, _In_ double _Sign)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _d_int ( _In_ double *  _Px,
_In_ short  _Xexp 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dclass ( _In_ double  _X)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dexp ( _In_ double *  _Px,
_In_ double  _Y,
_In_ long  _Eoff 
double _CRTIMP __cdecl _dlog ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ int  _Baseflag 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dnorm ( _In_ unsigned short *  _Ps)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _dpcomp ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
double __cdecl _dpoly ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ const double *  _Tab,
_In_ int  _N 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dscale ( _In_ double *  _Px,
_In_ long  _Lexp 
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _dsign ( _In_ double  _X)
double _CRTIMP __cdecl _dsin ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ unsigned int  _Qoff 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dtest ( _In_ double *  _Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _dunscale ( _In_ short *  _Pex,
_In_ double *  _Px 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fd_int ( _In_ float *  _Px,
_In_ short  _Xexp 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdclass ( _In_ float  _X)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdexp ( _In_ float *  _Px,
_In_ float  _Y,
_In_ long  _Eoff 
float _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdlog ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ int  _Baseflag 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdnorm ( _In_ unsigned short *  _Ps)
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdpcomp ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
float __cdecl _fdpoly ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ const float *  _Tab,
_In_ int  _N 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdscale ( _In_ float *  _Px,
_In_ long  _Lexp 
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdsign ( _In_ float  _X)
float _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdsin ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ unsigned int  _Qoff 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdtest ( _In_ float *  _Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _fdunscale ( _In_ short *  _Pex,
_In_ float *  _Px 
void __cdecl _fperrraise ( _In_ int  _Except)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
__inline long double __CRTDECL _hypotl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
885 {
886  return _hypot((double)_X, (double)_Y);
887 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _j0 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _j1 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _jn ( int  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ld_int ( _In_ long double *  _Px,
_In_ short  _Xexp 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldclass ( _In_ long double  _X)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldexp ( _In_ long double *  _Px,
_In_ long double  _Y,
_In_ long  _Eoff 
long double _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldlog ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ int  _Baseflag 
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldpcomp ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
long double __cdecl _ldpoly ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ const long double *  _Tab,
_In_ int  _N 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldscale ( _In_ long double *  _Px,
_In_ long  _Lexp 
int _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldsign ( _In_ long double  _X)
long double _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldsin ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ unsigned int  _Qoff 
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldtest ( _In_ long double *  _Px)
short _CRTIMP __cdecl _ldunscale ( _In_ short *  _Pex,
_In_ long double *  _Px 
int __cdecl _matherr ( _Inout_ struct _exception _Except)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _y0 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _y1 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _yn ( _In_ int  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
int __cdecl abs ( _In_ int  _X)
double __cdecl acos ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL acosf ( _In_ float  _X)
638 {
639  return (float)acos(_X);
640 }
double __cdecl acos(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl acosh ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl acoshf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl acoshl ( _In_ long double  _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL acosl ( _In_ long double  _X)
793 {
794  return acos((double)_X);
795 }
double __cdecl acos(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl asin ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL asinf ( _In_ float  _X)
643 {
644  return (float)asin(_X);
645 }
double __cdecl asin(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl asinh ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl asinhf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl asinhl ( _In_ long double  _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL asinl ( _In_ long double  _X)
800 {
801  return asin((double)_X);
802 }
double __cdecl asin(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl atan ( _In_ double  _X)
double __cdecl atan2 ( _In_ double  _Y,
_In_ double  _X 
__inline float __CRTDECL atan2f ( _In_ float  _Y,
_In_ float  _X 
648 {
649  return (float)atan2(_Y, _X);
650 }
double __cdecl atan2(_In_ double _Y, _In_ double _X)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline long double __CRTDECL atan2l ( _In_ long double  _Y,
_In_ long double  _X 
805 {
806  return atan2((double)_Y, (double)_X);
807 }
double __cdecl atan2(_In_ double _Y, _In_ double _X)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline float __CRTDECL atanf ( _In_ float  _X)
653 {
654  return (float)atan(_X);
655 }
double __cdecl atan(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl atanh ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl atanhf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl atanhl ( _In_ long double  _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL atanl ( _In_ long double  _X)
812 {
813  return atan((double)_X);
814 }
double __cdecl atan(_In_ double _X)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP double __cdecl atof ( _In_z_ const char *  _String)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl cbrt ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl cbrtf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl cbrtl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL ceilf ( _In_ float  _X)
658 {
659  return (float)ceil(_X);
660 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL ceill ( _In_ long double  _X)
819 {
820  return ceil((double)_X);
821 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ceil(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl copysign ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl copysignf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl copysignl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
double __cdecl cos ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL cosf ( _In_ float  _X)
663 {
664  return (float)cos(_X);
665 }
double __cdecl cos(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl cosh ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL coshf ( _In_ float  _X)
668 {
669  return (float)cosh(_X);
670 }
double __cdecl cosh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL coshl ( _In_ long double  _X)
836 {
837  return cosh((double)_X);
838 }
double __cdecl cosh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL cosl ( _In_ long double  _X)
841 {
842  return cos((double)_X);
843 }
double __cdecl cos(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl erf ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl erfc ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl erfcf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl erfcl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl erff ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl erfl ( _In_ long double  _X)
double __cdecl exp ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl exp2 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl exp2f ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl exp2l ( _In_ long double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL expf ( _In_ float  _X)
673 {
674  return (float)exp(_X);
675 }
double __cdecl exp(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL expl ( _In_ long double  _X)
849 {
850  return exp((double)_X);
851 }
double __cdecl exp(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl expm1 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl expm1f ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl expm1l ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL fabsf ( _In_ float  _X)
686 {
687  return (float)fabs(_X);
688 }
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL fabsl ( _In_ long double  _X)
857 {
858  return fabs((double)_X);
859 }
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl fabs(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fdim ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fdimf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fdiml ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl floor ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL floorf ( _In_ float  _X)
700 {
701  return (float)floor(_X);
702 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl floor(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL floorl ( _In_ long double  _X)
864 {
865  return floor((double)_X);
866 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl floor(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fma ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y,
_In_ double  _Z 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fmaf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y,
_In_ float  _Z 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fmal ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y,
_In_ long double  _Z 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fmax ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fmaxf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fmaxl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl fmin ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl fminf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl fminl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
double __cdecl fmod ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
__inline float __CRTDECL fmodf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
705 {
706  return (float)fmod(_X, _Y);
707 }
double __cdecl fmod(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline long double __CRTDECL fmodl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
873 {
874  return fmod((double)_X, (double)_Y);
875 }
double __cdecl fmod(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp ( _In_ double  _X,
_Out_ int _Y 
__inline float __CRTDECL frexpf ( _In_ float  _X,
_Out_ int _Y 
712 {
713  return (float)frexp(_X, _Y);
714 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(_In_ double _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL frexpl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_Out_ int _Y 
878 {
879  return frexp((double)_X, _Y);
880 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl frexp(_In_ double _X, _Out_ int *_Y)
__inline double __CRTDECL hypot ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
556 {
557  return _hypot(_X, _Y);
558 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
__inline float __CRTDECL hypotf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
717 {
718  return _hypotf(_X, _Y);
719 }
_CRTIMP float __cdecl _hypotf(_In_ float _X, _In_ float _Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline long double __CRTDECL hypotl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
890 {
891  return _hypot((double)_X, (double)_Y);
892 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl _hypot(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogb ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl ilogbl ( _In_ long double  _X)
long __cdecl labs ( _In_ long  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
__inline float __CRTDECL ldexpf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
722 {
723  return (float)ldexp(_X, _Y);
724 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline long double __CRTDECL ldexpl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
895 {
896  return ldexp((double)_X, _Y);
897 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl ldexp(_In_ double _X, _In_ int _Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl lgamma ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl lgammaf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl lgammal ( _In_ long double  _X)
long long __cdecl llabs ( _In_ long long  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrint ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llrintl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llround ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long long __cdecl llroundl ( _In_ long double  _X)
double __cdecl log ( _In_ double  _X)
double __cdecl log10 ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL log10f ( _In_ float  _X)
741 {
742  return (float)log10(_X);
743 }
double __cdecl log10(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL log10l ( _In_ long double  _X)
909 {
910  return log10((double)_X);
911 }
double __cdecl log10(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl log1p ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl log1pf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl log1pl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl log2 ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl log2f ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl log2l ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl logb ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl logbf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl logbl ( _In_ long double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL logf ( _In_ float  _X)
746 {
747  return (float)log(_X);
748 }
double __cdecl log(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL logl ( _In_ long double  _X)
904 {
905  return log((double)_X);
906 }
double __cdecl log(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrint ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrintf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lrintl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lround ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lroundf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long __cdecl lroundl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl modf ( _In_ double  _X,
_Out_ double *  _Y 
__inline float __CRTDECL modff ( _In_ float  _X,
_Out_ float *  _Y 
751 {
752  double _F, _I;
753  _F = modf(_X, &_I);
754  *_Y = (float)_I;
755  return (float)_F;
756 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl modf(_In_ double _X, _Out_ double *_Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
__inline long double __CRTDECL modfl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_Out_ long double *  _Y 
920 {
921  double _F, _I;
922  _F = modf((double)_X, &_I);
923  *_Y = _I;
924  return _F;
925 }
_CRTIMP double __cdecl modf(_In_ double _X, _Out_ double *_Y)
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nan ( _In_ const char *  )
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nanf ( _In_ const char *  )
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nanl ( _In_ const char *  )
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nearbyint ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nearbyintf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nearbyintl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nextafter ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nextafterf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nextafterl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl nexttoward ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl nexttowardf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl nexttowardl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
double __cdecl pow ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
__inline float __CRTDECL powf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
759 {
760  return (float)pow(_X, _Y);
761 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
double __cdecl pow(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
__inline long double __CRTDECL powl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
932 {
933  return pow((double)_X, (double)_Y);
934 }
_In_ double _Y
Definition: math.h:999
double __cdecl pow(_In_ double _X, _In_ double _Y)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl remainder ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl remainderf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl remainderl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl remquo ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ double  _Y,
_Out_ int _Z 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl remquof ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ float  _Y,
_Out_ int _Z 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl remquol ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long double  _Y,
_Out_ int _Z 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl rint ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl rintf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl rintl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl round ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl roundf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl roundl ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl scalbln ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ long  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl scalblnf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ long  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl scalblnl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ long  _Y 
_CRTIMP double __cdecl scalbn ( _In_ double  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
_CRTIMP float __cdecl scalbnf ( _In_ float  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl scalbnl ( _In_ long double  _X,
_In_ int  _Y 
double __cdecl sin ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL sinf ( _In_ float  _X)
764 {
765  return (float)sin(_X);
766 }
double __cdecl sin(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl sinh ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL sinhf ( _In_ float  _X)
769 {
770  return (float)sinh(_X);
771 }
double __cdecl sinh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sinhl ( _In_ long double  _X)
944 {
945  return sinh((double)_X);
946 }
double __cdecl sinh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sinl ( _In_ long double  _X)
949 {
950  return sin((double)_X);
951 }
double __cdecl sin(_In_ double _X)
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL sqrtf ( _In_ float  _X)
774 {
775  return (float)sqrt(_X);
776 }
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL sqrtl ( _In_ long double  _X)
954 {
955  return sqrt((double)_X);
956 }
_CRT_JIT_INTRINSIC double __cdecl sqrt(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl tan ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL tanf ( _In_ float  _X)
779 {
780  return (float)tan(_X);
781 }
double __cdecl tan(_In_ double _X)
double __cdecl tanh ( _In_ double  _X)
__inline float __CRTDECL tanhf ( _In_ float  _X)
784 {
785  return (float)tanh(_X);
786 }
double __cdecl tanh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL tanhl ( _In_ long double  _X)
959 {
960  return tanh((double)_X);
961 }
double __cdecl tanh(_In_ double _X)
__inline long double __CRTDECL tanl ( _In_ long double  _X)
964 {
965  return tan((double)_X);
966 }
double __cdecl tan(_In_ double _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl tgamma ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl tgammaf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl tgammal ( _In_ long double  _X)
_CRTIMP double __cdecl trunc ( _In_ double  _X)
_CRTIMP float __cdecl truncf ( _In_ float  _X)
_CRTIMP long double __cdecl truncl ( _In_ long double  _X)

Variable Documentation

const _float_const _Denorm_C
const _float_const _Eps_C
const _float_const _FDenorm_C
const _float_const _FEps_C
const _float_const _FInf_C
const _float_const _FNan_C
const _float_const _FRteps_C
const _float_const _FSnan_C
const float _FXbig_C
const float _FZero_C
_CRTIMP double _HUGE
const _float_const _Hugeval_C
const _float_const _Inf_C
const _float_const _LDenorm_C
const _float_const _LEps_C
const _float_const _LInf_C
const _float_const _LNan_C
const _float_const _LRteps_C
const _float_const _LSnan_C
const long double _LXbig_C
const long double _LZero_C
const _float_const _Nan_C
const _float_const _Rteps_C
const _float_const _Snan_C
const double _Xbig_C
_In_ double _Y
const double _Zero_C