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io.h File Reference
#include <crtdefs.h>

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struct  _finddata32_t
struct  _finddata32i64_t
struct  _finddata64i32_t
struct  __finddata64_t
struct  _wfinddata32_t
struct  _wfinddata32i64_t
struct  _wfinddata64i32_t
struct  _wfinddata64_t


#define _INC_IO
#define _finddata_t   _finddata64i32_t
#define _finddatai64_t   __finddata64_t
#define _findfirst   _findfirst64i32
#define _findnext   _findnext64i32
#define _findfirsti64   _findfirst64
#define _findnexti64   _findnext64
#define _wfinddata_t   _wfinddata64i32_t
#define _wfinddatai64_t   _wfinddata64_t
#define _wfindfirst   _wfindfirst64i32
#define _wfindnext   _wfindnext64i32
#define _wfindfirsti64   _wfindfirst64
#define _wfindnexti64   _wfindnext64
#define _A_NORMAL   0x00 /* Normal file - No read/write restrictions */
#define _A_RDONLY   0x01 /* Read only file */
#define _A_HIDDEN   0x02 /* Hidden file */
#define _A_SYSTEM   0x04 /* System file */
#define _A_SUBDIR   0x10 /* Subdirectory */
#define _A_ARCH   0x20 /* Archive file */
#define _WIO_DEFINED


typedef unsigned long _fsize_t


_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _access (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _In_ int _AccessMode)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _access_s (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _In_ int _AccessMode)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chmod (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _In_ int _Mode)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chsize (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ long _Size)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _chsize_s (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ __int64 _Size)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _close (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _commit (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (_sopen_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl _creat(_In_z_ const char *_Filename
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _dup (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _dup2 (_In_ int _FileHandleSrc, _In_ int _FileHandleDst)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _eof (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _filelength (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst32 (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _Out_ struct _finddata32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext32 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _finddata32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findclose (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _isatty (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _locking (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ int _LockMode, _In_ long _NumOfBytes)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _lseek (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ long _Offset, _In_ int _Origin)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mktemp_s (_Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char *_TemplateName, _In_ size_t _Size)
_Check_return_ __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0 (char *, __RETURN_POLICY_DST, _CRTIMP, _mktemp, _Inout_z_, char, _TemplateName) _Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _pipe(_Inout_updates_(2) int *_PtHandles
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _read (_In_ int _FileHandle, _Out_writes_bytes_(_MaxCharCount) void *_DstBuf, _In_ unsigned int _MaxCharCount)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl remove (_In_z_ const char *_Filename)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl rename (_In_z_ const char *_OldFilename, _In_z_ const char *_NewFilename)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _unlink (_In_z_ const char *_Filename)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_unlink) _CRTIMP int __cdecl unlink(_In_z_ const char *_Filename)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _setmode (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ int _Mode)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _tell (_In_ int _FileHandle)
 _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (_umask_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl _umask(_In_ int _Mode)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _umask_s (_In_ int _NewMode, _Out_ int *_OldMode)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _write (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_reads_bytes_(_MaxCharCount) const void *_Buf, _In_ unsigned int _MaxCharCount)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _filelengthi64 (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst32i64 (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _Out_ struct _finddata32i64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst64i32 (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _Out_ struct _finddata64i32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst64 (_In_z_ const char *_Filename, _Out_ struct __finddata64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext32i64 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _finddata32i64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext64i32 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _finddata64i32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext64 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct __finddata64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _lseeki64 (_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ __int64 _Offset, _In_ int _Origin)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _telli64 (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _sopen_s (_Out_ int *_FileHandle, _In_z_ const char *_Filename, _In_ int _OpenFlag, _In_ int _ShareFlag, _In_ int _PermissionMode)
_Check_return_ errno_t __cdecl _sopen_s_nolock (_Out_ int *_FileHandle, _In_z_ const char *_Filename, _In_ int _OpenFlag, _In_ int _ShareFlag, _In_ int _PermissionMode)
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Check_return_ _In_ int int _Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _waccess (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _In_ int _AccessMode)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _waccess_s (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _In_ int _AccessMode)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wchmod (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _In_ int _Mode)
_Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE (_wsopen_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wcreat(_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32 (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t *_FindData)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _wunlink (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wrename (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_OldFilename, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_NewFilename)
_CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wmktemp_s (_Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t *_TemplateName, _In_ size_t _SizeInWords)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32i64 (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64i32 (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64 (_In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32i64 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64i32 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64 (_In_ intptr_t _FindHandle, _Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t *_FindData)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsopen_s (_Out_ int *_FileHandle, _In_z_ const wchar_t *_Filename, _In_ int _OpenFlag, _In_ int _ShareFlag, _In_ int _PermissionFlag)
int __cdecl __lock_fhandle (_In_ int _Filehandle)
void __cdecl _unlock_fhandle (_In_ int _Filehandle)
_CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _get_osfhandle (_In_ int _FileHandle)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _open_osfhandle (_In_ intptr_t _OSFileHandle, _In_ int _Flags)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_access) _CRTIMP int __cdecl access(_In_z_ const char *_Filename
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_chmod) _CRTIMP int __cdecl chmod(_In_z_ const char *_Filename
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_chsize) _CRTIMP int __cdecl chsize(_In_ int _FileHandle
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_close) _CRTIMP int __cdecl close(_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_creat) _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_sopen_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl creat(_In_z_ const char *_Filename
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_dup) _CRTIMP int __cdecl dup(_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_dup2) _CRTIMP int __cdecl dup2(_In_ int _FileHandleSrc
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_eof) _CRTIMP int __cdecl eof(_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_filelength) _CRTIMP long __cdecl filelength(_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_isatty) _CRTIMP int __cdecl isatty(_In_ int _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_locking) _CRTIMP int __cdecl locking(_In_ int _FileHandle
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_lseek) _CRTIMP long __cdecl lseek(_In_ int _FileHandle
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_mktemp) _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_mktemp_s) _CRTIMP char *__cdecl mktemp(_Inout_z_ char *_TemplateName)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_open) _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_sopen_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl open(_In_z_ const char *_Filename
_Check_return_ _In_ int _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_read) _CRTIMP int __cdecl read(int _FileHandle
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Out_writes_bytes_ (_MaxCharCount) void *_DstBuf
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_setmode) _CRTIMP int __cdecl setmode(_In_ int _FileHandle
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_sopen) _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_sopen_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl sopen(const char *_Filename
_In_ int _In_ int _Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_tell) _CRTIMP long __cdecl tell(_In_ int _FileHandle)
 _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_umask) _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE(_umask_s) _CRTIMP int __cdecl umask(_In_ int _Mode)
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE (_write) _CRTIMP int __cdecl write(_In_ int _Filehandle
_Check_return_ _In_reads_bytes_ (_MaxCharCount) const void *_Buf


_Check_return_ _In_ int _PermissionMode
_Check_return_ _In_ unsigned int _PipeSize
_Check_return_ _In_ unsigned int _In_ int _TextMode
_Check_return_ _In_ int _OpenFlag
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Check_return_ _In_ int int _ShareFlag
_Check_return_ _In_ int _AccessMode
_Check_return_ _In_ long _Size
_Check_return_ _In_ int _FileHandleDst
_Check_return_ _In_ int _LockMode
_Check_return_ _In_ int _In_ long _NumOfBytes
_Check_return_opt_ _In_ long _Offset
_Check_return_opt_ _In_ long _In_ int _Origin
_Check_return_ _In_ int _In_ unsigned int _MaxCharCount
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Mode

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _A_ARCH   0x20 /* Archive file */
#define _A_HIDDEN   0x02 /* Hidden file */
#define _A_NORMAL   0x00 /* Normal file - No read/write restrictions */
#define _A_RDONLY   0x01 /* Read only file */
#define _A_SUBDIR   0x10 /* Subdirectory */
#define _A_SYSTEM   0x04 /* System file */
#define _finddata_t   _finddata64i32_t
#define _finddatai64_t   __finddata64_t
#define _findfirst   _findfirst64i32
#define _findfirsti64   _findfirst64
#define _findnext   _findnext64i32
#define _findnexti64   _findnext64
#define _INC_IO
#define _wfinddata_t   _wfinddata64i32_t
#define _wfinddatai64_t   _wfinddata64_t
#define _wfindfirst   _wfindfirst64i32
#define _wfindfirsti64   _wfindfirst64
#define _wfindnext   _wfindnext64i32
#define _wfindnexti64   _wfindnext64
#define _WIO_DEFINED

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned long _fsize_t

Function Documentation

_Check_return_ __DEFINE_CPP_OVERLOAD_STANDARD_FUNC_0_0 ( char *  ,
_mktemp  ,
_Inout_z_  ,
char  ,
int __cdecl __lock_fhandle ( _In_ int  _Filehandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _access ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_In_ int  _AccessMode 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _access_s ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_In_ int  _AccessMode 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chmod ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_In_ int  _Mode 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chsize ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ long  _Size 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _chsize_s ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ __int64  _Size 
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _close ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _commit ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE ( _sopen_s  ) const
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Check_return_ _CRT_INSECURE_DEPRECATE ( _wsopen_s  ) const
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _unlink  ) const
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _access  ) const
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _chmod  ) const
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _chsize  )
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _close  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _creat  ) const
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _dup  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _dup2  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _eof  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _filelength  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _isatty  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _locking  )
_Check_return_opt_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _lseek  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _open  ) const
_Check_return_ _In_ int _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _read  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _setmode  )
_CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _sopen  ) const
_In_ int _In_ int _Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _tell  )
_Check_return_ _CRT_NONSTDC_DEPRECATE ( _write  )
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _dup ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _dup2 ( _In_ int  _FileHandleSrc,
_In_ int  _FileHandleDst 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _eof ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _filelength ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _filelengthi64 ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findclose ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst32 ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_Out_ struct _finddata32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst32i64 ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_Out_ struct _finddata32i64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst64 ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_Out_ struct __finddata64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _findfirst64i32 ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_Out_ struct _finddata64i32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext32 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _finddata32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext32i64 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _finddata32i64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext64 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct __finddata64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext64i32 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _finddata64i32_t _FindData 
_CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _get_osfhandle ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _In_reads_bytes_ ( _MaxCharCount  ) const
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _isatty ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _locking ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ int  _LockMode,
_In_ long  _NumOfBytes 
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _lseek ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ long  _Offset,
_In_ int  _Origin 
_Check_return_opt_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _lseeki64 ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ __int64  _Offset,
_In_ int  _Origin 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _mktemp_s ( _Inout_updates_z_(_Size) char *  _TemplateName,
_In_ size_t  _Size 
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _open_osfhandle ( _In_ intptr_t  _OSFileHandle,
_In_ int  _Flags 
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Out_writes_bytes_ ( _MaxCharCount  )
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _read ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_Out_writes_bytes_(_MaxCharCount) void _DstBuf,
_In_ unsigned int  _MaxCharCount 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _setmode ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_ int  _Mode 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _sopen_s ( _Out_ int _FileHandle,
_In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_In_ int  _OpenFlag,
_In_ int  _ShareFlag,
_In_ int  _PermissionMode 
_Check_return_ errno_t __cdecl _sopen_s_nolock ( _Out_ int _FileHandle,
_In_z_ const char *  _Filename,
_In_ int  _OpenFlag,
_In_ int  _ShareFlag,
_In_ int  _PermissionMode 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP long __cdecl _tell ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _telli64 ( _In_ int  _FileHandle)
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _umask_s ( _In_ int  _NewMode,
_Out_ int _OldMode 
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _unlink ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename)
void __cdecl _unlock_fhandle ( _In_ int  _Filehandle)
_Check_return_ _In_ int _Check_return_ _In_ int int _Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _waccess ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_In_ int  _AccessMode 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _waccess_s ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_In_ int  _AccessMode 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wchmod ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_In_ int  _Mode 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32 ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst32i64 ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64 ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP intptr_t __cdecl _wfindfirst64i32 ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext32i64 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata32i64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64_t _FindData 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wfindnext64i32 ( _In_ intptr_t  _FindHandle,
_Out_ struct _wfinddata64i32_t _FindData 
_CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wmktemp_s ( _Inout_updates_z_(_SizeInWords) wchar_t _TemplateName,
_In_ size_t  _SizeInWords 
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl _wrename ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _OldFilename,
_In_z_ const wchar_t _NewFilename 
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _write ( _In_ int  _FileHandle,
_In_reads_bytes_(_MaxCharCount) const void _Buf,
_In_ unsigned int  _MaxCharCount 
_Check_return_wat_ _CRTIMP errno_t __cdecl _wsopen_s ( _Out_ int _FileHandle,
_In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename,
_In_ int  _OpenFlag,
_In_ int  _ShareFlag,
_In_ int  _PermissionFlag 
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _wunlink ( _In_z_ const wchar_t _Filename)
_CRTIMP int __cdecl remove ( _In_z_ const char *  _Filename)
_Check_return_ _CRTIMP int __cdecl rename ( _In_z_ const char *  _OldFilename,
_In_z_ const char *  _NewFilename 

Variable Documentation

_Check_return_ int _AccessMode
_Check_return_ _In_ int _FileHandleDst
_Check_return_ _In_ int _LockMode
_Check_return_ _In_ unsigned int _MaxCharCount
_Check_return_ _In_z_ const wchar_t * _Mode
_Check_return_ _In_ int _In_ long _NumOfBytes
_Check_return_ _In_ int _PermissionMode
_Check_return_ _In_ unsigned int _PipeSize
_In_ int _In_ int _ShareFlag
_In_ size_t _Size
_Check_return_ _In_ unsigned int _In_ int _TextMode