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Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection Class Reference

Task collections represent groups of work which step outside the strict structuring of the _StructuredTaskCollection definition. Any groups of work which do not follow LIFO ordering, are waited on multiple times, or are passed between arbitrary threads require utilization of this definition of a task collection. It has additional overhead over the _StructuredTaskCollection. More...

#include <concrt.h>

Inheritance diagram for Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection:

Public Member Functions

_CRTIMP _TaskCollection ()
 Constructs a new task collection. More...
_CRTIMP _TaskCollection (_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState)
 Constructs a new task collection whose cancellation is governed by the specified cancellation token state. More...
_CRTIMP ~_TaskCollection ()
 Destroys a task collection. Clients must call '_TaskCollection::_Wait' or '_TaskCollection::_RunAndWait' prior to destructing the object. If there are chores remaining in the queues, an exception (missing_wait) is thrown. If the destructor is running because of exception unwinding, it will abort any scheduled work. If another exception occurs because work is aborted, the process will terminate (C++ semantics). More...
_CRTIMP void _Schedule (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore, location *_PLocation)
 Schedules a chore that can potentially run in parallel. The chore is pushed onto the associated workstealing queue, and will be executed in a LIFO order. The tasks scheduled into a _TaskCollection are scheduled into the current scheduler. Note that the specified chore can be scheduled only on a single task collection at a given time. Any attempt to schedule the same chore multiple times on one or more task collections will result in an invalid_multiple_scheduling exception. After the chore is guaranteed to have been executed (by calling the Wait method), it can be rescheduled to an arbitrary task collection. More...
_CRTIMP void _Schedule (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore)
 Schedules a chore that can potentially run in parallel. The chore is pushed onto the associated workstealing queue, and will be executed in a LIFO order. The tasks scheduled into a _TaskCollection are scheduled into the current scheduler. Note that the specified chore can be scheduled only on a single task collection at a given time. Any attempt to schedule the same chore multiple times on one or more task collections will result in an invalid_multiple_scheduling exception. After the chore is guaranteed to have been executed (by calling the Wait method), it can be rescheduled to an arbitrary task collection. More...
_CRTIMP void _Cancel ()
 Cancels work on the task collection. More...
_CRTIMP bool _IsCanceling ()
 Informs the caller whether or not the task collection is currently in the midst of a cancellation. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that Cancel was called on the collection (although such certainly qualifies this function to return true). It can be the case that the task collection is executing inline and a task collection further up in the work tree was canceled. In cases such as these where we can determine ahead of time that cancellation will flow through this collection, true will be returned as well. More...
_CRTIMP _TaskCollectionStatus __stdcall _RunAndWait (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore=NULL)
 A cancellation friendly wrapper with which to execute _PChore and then waits for all chores running in the _TaskCollection to finish (normally or abnormally). This method encapsulates all the running tasks in an exception handling block, and will re-throw any exceptions that occur in any of it tasks (if those exceptions occur on another thread, they are marshaled from that thread to the thread where the _TaskCollection was created, and re-thrown). After this function returns, the _TaskCollection cannot be used for scheduling further work. More...
_TaskCollectionStatus _Wait ()
 Waits for all chores running in the _TaskCollection to finish (normally or abnormally). This method encapsulates all the running tasks in an exception handling block, and will re-throw any exceptions that occur in any of it tasks (if those exceptions occur on another thread, they are marshaled from that thread to the thread where the _TaskCollection was created, and re-thrown). After this function returns, the _TaskCollection cannot be used for scheduling further work. More...
bool _IsMarkedForAbnormalExit () const
 Returns whether this task collection is marked for abnormal exit. More...
_TaskCollection_OriginalCollection () const
 Returns the object which this is an alias for. More...
bool _IsAlias () const
 Returns whether the task collection is an alias. More...
void _RegisterCompletionHandler (TaskProc _Func, void *_PCompletionContext)
 Registers a notification handler for completion of chores More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::details::_TaskCollectionBase
 _TaskCollectionBase ()
 _TaskCollectionBase (_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState)
void_OwningContext () const
int _InliningDepth () const
bool _IsCurrentlyInlined () const
bool _IsStructured ()
_CancellationTokenState_GetTokenState (_CancellationTokenRegistration **_PRegistration=NULL)

Private Member Functions

bool _IsStaleAlias () const
 Determines if the task collection is a stale alias (an object which was left over from a deferred delete of a direct alias but which happens to match the hash key for a newly allocated task collection) More...
void _ReleaseAlias ()
 Releases an alias – this will free it if the release is the last man out. More...
 _TaskCollection (_TaskCollection *_POriginCollection, bool _FDirectAlias)
 Constructs an alias collection based on a specifed origin collection More...
_TaskCollection_Alias ()
 Returns the local alias of a task collection on the current context. More...
void _Abort (bool fLeaveCanceled=false)
 Internal routine to abort work on the task collection. More...
bool _IsIndirectAlias () const
 Returns whether the task collection is an indirect alias. More...
bool _IsDirectAlias () const
 Returns whether the task collection is a direct alias. More...
bool _HasDirectAlias () const
 Returns whether this task collection has a direct alias. More...
void _Cancel (bool _InsideException, _TaskCollection *_PSnapPoint)
 Cancels work on the task collection. This is an internal version. More...
void _NotifyNewChore ()
 Called for every new chore put into the task collection. Assures appropriate synchronization with waiters. More...
void _NotifyCompletedChoreAndFree (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore=NULL)
 Called for every completed chore from the task collection. Assures appropriate synchronization with waiters. More...
void _FullAliasWait (_TaskCollection *_PSnapPoint)
 Waits on the given task collection and every alias. More...
void _Reset (_TaskCollection *_PSnapPoint)
 Resets the task collection for future usage. More...
void _RaisedException ()
 Called when an exception is raised on a chore on an unstructured task collection, this makes a determination of what to do with the exception and saves it for potential transport back to the thread performing a join on a task collection. This specifically handles situations on for unstructured task collections before calling _TaskCollectionBase::_RaisedException. More...
void _RaisedCancel ()
 Called when a cancellation is raised on a chore on a given task collection. This makes a determination of what to do with the exception and saves it for potential transport back to the thread performing a join on a chore collection. Note that every other exception has precedence over a cancellation. More...
bool _SetCancelState (long _Status)
 Called in order to set the cancellation status of the collection. More...
void _CancelFromArbitraryThread (bool _InsideException)
 Called to cancel a single alias of a task collection from an arbitrary thread. More...
void _CancelDirectAliases (bool _InsideException, _TaskCollection *_PSnapPoint)
 Cancels all direct aliases of the task collection. More...
void _CancelStolenContexts (bool _InsideException, bool _FInlineGated)
 Called to cancel any contexts which stole chores from the given collection. This is PART of a cancellation scheme. The remainder must be handled by the derived class in particular. This should be called last. More...
void_GetStealTrackingList () const
 Returns the steal tracking list. More...
void _Initialize ()
 Internal initialization of the task collection More...
void _AbortiveSweep (void *_PCtx)
 Performs an abortive sweep of the WSQ for inline stack overflow. More...
bool _TaskCleanup (bool fExceptional)
 Performs task cleanup normally done at destruction time. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static bool __cdecl _CollectionMatchPredicate (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore, void *_PData)
 A predicate function checking whether a given chore belongs to a given collection. More...
static bool __cdecl _SweepAbortedChore (_UnrealizedChore *_PChore, void *_PData)
 Called to sweep an aborted chore in the case of inline stack overflow. More...
static void __cdecl _CancelViaToken (_TaskCollection *pCollection)
 Called when the task collection is canceled via a cancellation token. More...

Private Attributes

 Tracks contexts that have stolen chores from this collection. This is storage for an internal list and lock. Note that this list is only used for detached schedule groups. More...
long _M_activeStealersForCancellation
 A count of active stealers for CANCELLATION PURPOSES ONLY. This is non-interlocked and guarded by the same lock as the stealers list on this task collection. More...
volatile long _M_exitCode
 An indication of the exit code of the chore. Anything non-zero here indicates cancellation of one form or another. More...
volatile long _M_executionStatus
 The status of the task collection. More...
event _M_event
 An event on which to wait for stolen chores to complete. More...
int _M_taskCookies [2]
volatile long _M_flags
volatile long _M_chaining
DWORD _M_boundQueueId
int _M_stackPos
TaskProc _M_completionHandler


class _UnrealizedChore
class Concurrency::details::ContextBase

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from Concurrency::details::_TaskCollectionBase
enum  _TaskCollectionBaseState { _CollectionNotInitialized = LONG_MIN, _CollectionInitializationInProgress = LONG_MIN+1, _CollectionInitialized = 0 }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Concurrency::details::_TaskCollectionBase
std::exception_ptr * _Exception () const
bool _IsAbnormalExit () const
size_t _CancelState () const
bool _IsMarkedForCancellation () const
bool _PerformedInlineCancel () const
bool _PerformedPendingCancel () const
_TaskCollectionBase_SafeGetParent ()
bool _WillInterruptForPendingCancel ()
void _RaisedException ()
void _RethrowException ()
bool _MarkCancellation ()
void _FinishCancelState (size_t _NewCancelState)
void _RaisedCancel ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from Concurrency::details::_TaskCollectionBase
int _M_inliningDepth: 28
int _M_inlineFlags: 4
long _M_unpoppedChores
volatile long _M_completedStolenChores
std::exception_ptr * _M_pException
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Concurrency::details::_TaskCollectionBase
static const size_t _S_cancelBitsMask = 0x3
static const size_t _S_cancelNone = 0x0
static const size_t _S_cancelStarted = 0x1
static const size_t _S_cancelDeferredShootdownOwner = 0x2
static const size_t _S_cancelShotdownOwner = 0x3
static const size_t _S_nonNull = 0x8
static const size_t _S_cancelException = 0xC
static const int _S_notInlined = -1
static const int _S_structured = 0x00000001
static const int _S_localCancel = 0x00000002
static const int _S_reserved = 0x0000000C

Detailed Description

Task collections represent groups of work which step outside the strict structuring of the _StructuredTaskCollection definition. Any groups of work which do not follow LIFO ordering, are waited on multiple times, or are passed between arbitrary threads require utilization of this definition of a task collection. It has additional overhead over the _StructuredTaskCollection.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

_CRTIMP Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_TaskCollection ( )

Constructs a new task collection.

_CRTIMP Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_TaskCollection ( _CancellationTokenState _PTokenState)

Constructs a new task collection whose cancellation is governed by the specified cancellation token state.

_PTokenStateWhen this cancellation token is canceled, the task collection is canceled.
_CRTIMP Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::~_TaskCollection ( )

Destroys a task collection. Clients must call '_TaskCollection::_Wait' or '_TaskCollection::_RunAndWait' prior to destructing the object. If there are chores remaining in the queues, an exception (missing_wait) is thrown. If the destructor is running because of exception unwinding, it will abort any scheduled work. If another exception occurs because work is aborted, the process will terminate (C++ semantics).

Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_TaskCollection ( _TaskCollection _POriginCollection,
bool  _FDirectAlias 

Constructs an alias collection based on a specifed origin collection

_POriginCollectionSpecifies which collection the newly constructed one will alias
_FDirectAliasSpecifies whether the newly constructed collection is a direct alias

Member Function Documentation

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Abort ( bool  fLeaveCanceled = false)

Internal routine to abort work on the task collection.

fLeaveCanceledAn indication as to whether or not to leave the task collection canceled after the abort.
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_AbortiveSweep ( void _PCtx)

Performs an abortive sweep of the WSQ for inline stack overflow.

_PCtxThe context to sweep
_TaskCollection* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Alias ( )

Returns the local alias of a task collection on the current context.

_CRTIMP void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Cancel ( )

Cancels work on the task collection.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Cancel ( bool  _InsideException,
_TaskCollection _PSnapPoint 

Cancels work on the task collection. This is an internal version.

_InsideExceptionIndicates whether the cancellation is taking place because of exception unwinding within the runtime
_PSnapPointA snapshot of the direct alias list which is what the call will effect
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_CancelDirectAliases ( bool  _InsideException,
_TaskCollection _PSnapPoint 

Cancels all direct aliases of the task collection.

_InsideExceptionIndicates whether the cancellation is taking place because of exception unwinding within the runtime
_PSnapPointA snapshot of the direct alias list which is what the call will effect
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_CancelFromArbitraryThread ( bool  _InsideException)

Called to cancel a single alias of a task collection from an arbitrary thread.

_InsideExceptionIndicates whether the cancellation is taking place because of exception unwinding within the runtime
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_CancelStolenContexts ( bool  _InsideException,
bool  _FInlineGated 

Called to cancel any contexts which stole chores from the given collection. This is PART of a cancellation scheme. The remainder must be handled by the derived class in particular. This should be called last.

_InsideExceptionIndicates whether the cancellation is taking place because of exception unwinding within the runtime
_FInlineGatedIndicates whether the inline context is safe and blocked from becoming inaccessible during the duration of the call
static void __cdecl Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_CancelViaToken ( _TaskCollection pCollection)

Called when the task collection is canceled via a cancellation token.

static bool __cdecl Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_CollectionMatchPredicate ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore,
void _PData 

A predicate function checking whether a given chore belongs to a given collection.

_PChoreThe chore to check
_PDataThe data to check against
Whether or not the chore belongs to the collection
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_FullAliasWait ( _TaskCollection _PSnapPoint)

Waits on the given task collection and every alias.

_PSnapPointA snapshot of the direct alias list which is what the call will effect
void* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_GetStealTrackingList ( ) const

Returns the steal tracking list.

bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_HasDirectAlias ( ) const

Returns whether this task collection has a direct alias.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Initialize ( )

Internal initialization of the task collection

bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsAlias ( ) const

Returns whether the task collection is an alias.

_CRTIMP bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsCanceling ( )

Informs the caller whether or not the task collection is currently in the midst of a cancellation. Note that this does not necessarily indicate that Cancel was called on the collection (although such certainly qualifies this function to return true). It can be the case that the task collection is executing inline and a task collection further up in the work tree was canceled. In cases such as these where we can determine ahead of time that cancellation will flow through this collection, true will be returned as well.

An indication of whether the task collection is in the midst of a cancellation (or is guaranteed to be shortly).
bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsDirectAlias ( ) const

Returns whether the task collection is a direct alias.

bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsIndirectAlias ( ) const

Returns whether the task collection is an indirect alias.

bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsMarkedForAbnormalExit ( ) const

Returns whether this task collection is marked for abnormal exit.

bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_IsStaleAlias ( ) const

Determines if the task collection is a stale alias (an object which was left over from a deferred delete of a direct alias but which happens to match the hash key for a newly allocated task collection)

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_NotifyCompletedChoreAndFree ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore = NULL)

Called for every completed chore from the task collection. Assures appropriate synchronization with waiters.

_PChoreAn _UnrealizedChore which will be freed if its lifetime is owned by the Runtime.
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_NotifyNewChore ( )

Called for every new chore put into the task collection. Assures appropriate synchronization with waiters.

_TaskCollection* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_OriginalCollection ( ) const

Returns the object which this is an alias for.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_RaisedCancel ( )

Called when a cancellation is raised on a chore on a given task collection. This makes a determination of what to do with the exception and saves it for potential transport back to the thread performing a join on a chore collection. Note that every other exception has precedence over a cancellation.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_RaisedException ( )

Called when an exception is raised on a chore on an unstructured task collection, this makes a determination of what to do with the exception and saves it for potential transport back to the thread performing a join on a task collection. This specifically handles situations on for unstructured task collections before calling _TaskCollectionBase::_RaisedException.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_RegisterCompletionHandler ( TaskProc  _Func,
void _PCompletionContext 

Registers a notification handler for completion of chores

_FuncThe callback function
_PCompletionContextThe completion context for the callback function
void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_ReleaseAlias ( )

Releases an alias – this will free it if the release is the last man out.

void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Reset ( _TaskCollection _PSnapPoint)

Resets the task collection for future usage.

_PSnapPointA snapshot of the direct alias list which is what the call will effect
_CRTIMP _TaskCollectionStatus __stdcall Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_RunAndWait ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore = NULL)

A cancellation friendly wrapper with which to execute _PChore and then waits for all chores running in the _TaskCollection to finish (normally or abnormally). This method encapsulates all the running tasks in an exception handling block, and will re-throw any exceptions that occur in any of it tasks (if those exceptions occur on another thread, they are marshaled from that thread to the thread where the _TaskCollection was created, and re-thrown). After this function returns, the _TaskCollection cannot be used for scheduling further work.

_PChoreAn _UnrealizedChore which when non-null will be called to invoke the chore in a cancellation friendly manner.
An indication of the status of the wait.
_CRTIMP void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Schedule ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore,
location _PLocation 

Schedules a chore that can potentially run in parallel. The chore is pushed onto the associated workstealing queue, and will be executed in a LIFO order. The tasks scheduled into a _TaskCollection are scheduled into the current scheduler. Note that the specified chore can be scheduled only on a single task collection at a given time. Any attempt to schedule the same chore multiple times on one or more task collections will result in an invalid_multiple_scheduling exception. After the chore is guaranteed to have been executed (by calling the Wait method), it can be rescheduled to an arbitrary task collection.

_PChoreThe new unrealized chore to schedule
_PLocationThe location where the unrealized chore should execute. Specifying the value NULL here indicates that the unrealized chore does not have specific placement.
_CRTIMP void Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Schedule ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore)

Schedules a chore that can potentially run in parallel. The chore is pushed onto the associated workstealing queue, and will be executed in a LIFO order. The tasks scheduled into a _TaskCollection are scheduled into the current scheduler. Note that the specified chore can be scheduled only on a single task collection at a given time. Any attempt to schedule the same chore multiple times on one or more task collections will result in an invalid_multiple_scheduling exception. After the chore is guaranteed to have been executed (by calling the Wait method), it can be rescheduled to an arbitrary task collection.

_PChoreThe new unrealized chore to schedule
bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_SetCancelState ( long  _Status)

Called in order to set the cancellation status of the collection.

_StatusThe cancellation status to set
An indication of whether the set succeeded. The set will fail if the task collection already has a cancellation status.
static bool __cdecl Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_SweepAbortedChore ( _UnrealizedChore _PChore,
void _PData 

Called to sweep an aborted chore in the case of inline stack overflow.

_PChoreThe chore to sweep
_PDataThe data that was passed to the sweep predicate
An indication of whether the chore is now gone
bool Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_TaskCleanup ( bool  fExceptional)

Performs task cleanup normally done at destruction time.

fExceptionalAn indication if the cleanup is exceptional and the collection should be left in a canceled state.
_TaskCollectionStatus Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_Wait ( )

Waits for all chores running in the _TaskCollection to finish (normally or abnormally). This method encapsulates all the running tasks in an exception handling block, and will re-throw any exceptions that occur in any of it tasks (if those exceptions occur on another thread, they are marshaled from that thread to the thread where the _TaskCollection was created, and re-thrown). After this function returns, the _TaskCollection cannot be used for scheduling further work.

An indication of the status of the wait.
4931  {
4932  return _RunAndWait();
4933  }
_CRTIMP _TaskCollectionStatus __stdcall _RunAndWait(_UnrealizedChore *_PChore=NULL)
A cancellation friendly wrapper with which to execute _PChore and then waits for all chores running i...

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class _UnrealizedChore
friend class Concurrency::details::ContextBase

Member Data Documentation

long Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_activeStealersForCancellation

A count of active stealers for CANCELLATION PURPOSES ONLY. This is non-interlocked and guarded by the same lock as the stealers list on this task collection.

DWORD Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_boundQueueId
volatile long Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_chaining
TaskProc Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_completionHandler
event Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_event

An event on which to wait for stolen chores to complete.

volatile long Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_executionStatus

The status of the task collection.

volatile long Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_exitCode

An indication of the exit code of the chore. Anything non-zero here indicates cancellation of one form or another.

volatile long Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_flags
void* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_pCompletionContext
_TaskCollection* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_pNextAlias
_TaskCollection* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_pOriginalCollection
void* Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_pTaskExtension
int Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_stackPos
_CONCRT_BUFFER Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_stealTracker[_SAFERWLIST_SIZE]

Tracks contexts that have stolen chores from this collection. This is storage for an internal list and lock. Note that this list is only used for detached schedule groups.

int Concurrency::details::_TaskCollection::_M_taskCookies[2]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: