_Ret_ _Accelerator_view_impl * | Concurrency::details::_Get_accelerator_view_impl_ptr (const accelerator_view &_Accl_view) |
_Ret_ _Accelerator_impl * | Concurrency::details::_Get_accelerator_impl_ptr (const accelerator &_Accl) |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Get_access_async (const _View_key _Key, accelerator_view _Av, _Access_mode _Mode, _Buffer_ptr &_Buf_ptr) |
unsigned int | Concurrency::details::_Get_mipmap_levels (const _Texture *_Tex) |
bool | Concurrency::details::_Is_valid_access_mode (_Access_mode _Mode) |
_AMPIMP size_t __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_num_devices () |
_AMPIMP _Ret_ _Accelerator_impl_ptr *__cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_devices () |
_AMPIMP accelerator __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Select_default_accelerator () |
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Set_default_accelerator (_Accelerator_impl_ptr _Accl) |
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Is_D3D_accelerator_view (const accelerator_view &_Av) |
_AMPIMP void __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Register_async_event (const _Event &_Ev, const std::shared_future< void > &_Shared_future) |
_AMPIMP _Access_mode __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_recommended_buffer_host_access_mode (const accelerator_view &_Av) |
_AMPIMP _Ret_ IUnknown *__cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::get_device (const accelerator_view &_Av) |
| Get the D3D device interface underlying a accelerator_view. More...
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::create_accelerator_view (_In_ IUnknown *_D3D_device, queuing_mode _Qmode=queuing_mode_automatic) |
| Create a accelerator_view from a D3D device interface pointer. More...
_AMPIMP accelerator_view __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::create_accelerator_view (accelerator &_Accelerator, bool _Disable_timeout, queuing_mode _Qmode=queuing_mode_automatic) |
| Create and return a new accelerator view on the specified accelerator. More...
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::is_timeout_disabled (const accelerator_view &_Accelerator_view) |
| Returns a boolean flag indicating if timeout is disabled for the specified accelerator_view. This corresponds to the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DISABLE_GPU_TIMEOUT flag for Direct3D device creation. More...
_AMPIMP void __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_lock (accelerator_view &_Av) |
| Acquire a lock on an accelerator_view for the purpose of safely performing D3D operations on resources shared with the accelerator_view. The accelerator_view and all C++ AMP resources associated with this accelerator_view internally take this lock when performing operations and will block while another thread holds the D3D access lock. More...
_AMPIMP bool __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_try_lock (accelerator_view &_Av) |
| Attempt to acquire the D3D access lock on an accelerator_view without blocking. More...
_AMPIMP void __cdecl | Concurrency::direct3d::d3d_access_unlock (accelerator_view &_Av) |
| Release the D3D access lock on the given accelerator_view. If the calling thread does not hold the lock on the accelerator_view the results are undefined. More...
_Ret_ _View_shape * | Concurrency::details::_Create_reinterpreted_shape (const _View_shape *_Source_shape, size_t _Curr_elem_size, size_t _New_elem_size) |
_Access_mode | Concurrency::details::_Get_synchronize_access_mode (access_type cpu_access_type) |
access_type | Concurrency::details::_Get_cpu_access_type (_Access_mode _Cpu_access_mode) |
_AMPIMP _Event __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (_In_ _Buffer *_Src, size_t _Src_offset, _Out_ _Buffer *_Dst, size_t _Dest_offset, size_t _Num_elems, size_t _Preferred_copy_chunk_num_elems=0) |
_AMPIMP _Event __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Copy_async_impl (_In_ _Texture *_Src_tex, const size_t *_Src_offset, unsigned int _Src_mipmap_level, _Out_ _Texture *_Dst_tex, const size_t *_Dst_offset, unsigned int _Dst_mipmap_level, const size_t *_Copy_extent, const size_t *_Preferred_copy_chunk_extent=NULL) |
bool | Concurrency::details::_Get_chunked_staging_texture (_In_ _Texture *_Tex, const size_t *_Copy_chunk_extent, _Inout_ size_t *_Remaining_copy_extent, _Out_ size_t *_Curr_copy_extent, _Out_ _Texture_ptr *_Staging_texture) |
template<typename _Input_iterator , typename _Value_type > |
void | Concurrency::details::_Copy_data_on_host (int _Rank, _Input_iterator _Src, _Out_ _Value_type *_Dst, size_t _Width, size_t _Height, size_t _Depth, size_t _Dst_row_pitch_in_bytes, size_t _Dst_depth_pitch_in_bytes, size_t _Src_row_pitch, size_t _Src_depth_pitch) |
template<typename _Output_iterator , typename _Value_type > |
void | Concurrency::details::_Copy_data_on_host (int _Rank, const _Value_type *_Src, _Output_iterator _Dst, size_t _Width, size_t _Height, size_t _Depth, size_t _Src_row_pitch_in_bytes, size_t _Src_depth_pitch_in_bytes, size_t _Dst_row_pitch, size_t _Dst_depth_pitch) |
_AMPIMP size_t __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_preferred_copy_chunk_size (size_t _Total_copy_size_in_bytes) |
size_t | Concurrency::details::_Get_preferred_copy_chunk_num_elems (size_t _Total_num_elems, size_t _Elem_size) |
void | Concurrency::details::_Get_preferred_copy_chunk_extent (unsigned int _Rank, size_t _Width, size_t _Height, size_t _Depth, size_t _Bits_per_element, _Out_writes_(3) size_t *_Preferred_copy_chunk_extent) |
template<typename _T > |
_T | Concurrency::details::_Greatest_common_divisor (_T _M, _T _N) |
template<typename _T > |
_T | Concurrency::details::_Least_common_multiple (_T _M, _T _N) |
template<typename InputIterator , typename _Value_type > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (InputIterator _SrcFirst, InputIterator _SrcLast, size_t _NumElemsToCopy, _Out_ _Buffer *_Dst, size_t _Dest_offset, size_t _Preferred_copy_chunk_num_elems=0) |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _Distance > |
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< std::input_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< _InputIterator >::iterator_category >::value >::type | Concurrency::details::_Advance_output_iterator (_InputIterator &_Iter, _Distance _N) |
template<typename _OutputIterator , typename _Distance > |
std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< std::input_iterator_tag, typename std::iterator_traits< _OutputIterator >::iterator_category >::value >::type | Concurrency::details::_Advance_output_iterator (_OutputIterator &_Iter, size_t _N) |
template<typename OutputIterator , typename _Value_type > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (_In_ _Buffer *_Src, size_t _Src_offset, size_t _Num_elems, OutputIterator _DestIter, size_t _Preferred_copy_chunk_num_elems=0) |
_AMPIMP _Event __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (_In_ _Buffer *_Src, _View_shape_ptr _Src_shape, _Out_ _Buffer *_Dst, _View_shape_ptr _Dst_shape) |
_AMPIMP HRESULT __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Recursive_array_copy (const _Array_copy_desc &_Desc, unsigned int _Native_copy_rank, std::function< HRESULT(const _Array_copy_desc &_Reduced)> _Native_copy_func) |
_AMPIMP std::pair< accelerator_view, accelerator_view > __cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_src_dest_accelerator_view (_In_opt_ const _Buffer_descriptor *_SrcBuffDescPtr, _In_opt_ const _Buffer_descriptor *_DestBuffDescPtr) |
template<typename _InputInterator , typename _OutputIterator > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl_iter (_InputInterator _SrcFirst, _InputInterator _SrcLast, _OutputIterator _DstFirst) |
template<typename InputIterator , typename _Value_type > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (InputIterator _SrcFirst, _View_shape_ptr _Src_shape, _Inout_ _Buffer *_Dst, _View_shape_ptr _Dst_shape) |
template<typename OutputIterator , typename _Value_type > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl (_In_ _Buffer *_Src, _View_shape_ptr _Src_shape, OutputIterator _DestIter, _View_shape_ptr _Dst_shape) |
template<typename _InputInterator , typename _OutputIterator > |
_Event | Concurrency::details::_Copy_impl_iter (_InputInterator _SrcIter, _View_shape_ptr _Src_shape, _OutputIterator _DstIter, _View_shape_ptr _Dst_shape) |
_Ret_ _View_shape * | Concurrency::details::_Get_buffer_view_shape (const _Buffer_descriptor &_Descriptor) |
bool | Concurrency::details::_Is_cpu_accelerator (const accelerator &_Accl) |
_AMPIMP void __cdecl | Concurrency::amp_uninitialize () |
| Uninitializes the C++ AMP runtime. It is legal to call this function multiple times during an applications lifetime. Calling any C++ AMP API afer calling this function will reinitialize the C++ AMP runtime. Note that it is illegal to use C++ AMP objects across calls to this function and doing so will result in undefined behavior. Also, concurrently calling this function and any other AMP APIs is illegal and would result in undefined behavior. More...
_AMPIMP _Ret_ _DPC_call_handle *HELPERAPI | __dpc_create_call_handle (_In_ _Host_Scheduling_info *_Sch_info) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_release_call_handle (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_set_device_resource_info (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle, _In_ _Device_resource_info *_DeviceResourceInfo, size_t _NumResources) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_set_const_buffer_info (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle, _In_ _Device_const_buffer_info *_DeviceConstBufferInfo, size_t _NumConstBuffers) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_set_kernel_shader_info (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle, _Inout_ void **_ShaderBlobs) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_set_kernel_dispatch_info (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle, unsigned int _ComputeRank, _In_ int *_Extents, unsigned int _GroupRank, const unsigned int *_GroupExtents, unsigned int &_GroupCountX, unsigned int &_GroupCountY, unsigned int &_GroupCountZ) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP void HELPERAPI | __dpc_dispatch_kernel (_In_ _DPC_call_handle *_Handle) throw (...) |
_AMPIMP _Ret_ _Amp_runtime_trace *__cdecl | Concurrency::details::_Get_amp_trace () |