This is the complete list of members for Concurrency::task< _ReturnType >, including all inherited members.
__declspec(noinline) explicit task(_Ty _Param) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
__declspec(noinline) explicit task(_Ty _Param | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
__declspec(noinline) auto then(const _Function &_Func) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits< _Function, _ReturnType >::_TaskOfType | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
__declspec(noinline) auto then(const _Function &_Func | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
__declspec(noinline) auto then(const _Function &_Func | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_CancellationToken | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_CreateImpl(_TaskOptions.get_cancellation_token()._GetImplValue(), _TaskOptions.get_scheduler()) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_CreateImpl(details::_CancellationTokenState *_Ct, scheduler_ptr _Scheduler) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_GetImpl() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_M_Impl | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | private |
_SetAsync(bool _Async=true) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_SetImpl(const typename details::_Task_ptr< _ReturnType >::_Type &_Impl) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_SetImpl(typename details::_Task_ptr< _ReturnType >::_Type &&_Impl) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_SetTaskCreationCallstack(details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_hasPresetCreationCallstack?details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._M_presetCreationCallstack:_CAPTURE_CALLSTACK()) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_SetTaskCreationCallstack(const details::_TaskCreationCallstack &_callstack) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Param, details::_IsCallable(_Param, 0)) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Function &_Func, std::true_type) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
_TaskInitMaybeFunctor(_Ty &_Param, std::false_type) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
_TaskInitNoFunctor(task_completion_event< _ReturnType > &_Event) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
_TaskInitWithFunctor(const _Function &_Func) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
_TaskOptions | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_Then(const _Function &_Func, details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, details::_TaskInliningMode_t _InliningMode=details::_ForceInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits< _Function, _ReturnType >::_TaskOfType | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
_ThenImpl(_Func, _TaskOptions) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_ThenImpl(_Func, _TaskOptions) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
_ThenImpl(const _Function &_Func, const task_options &_TaskOptions) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits< _Function, _InternalReturnType >::_TaskOfType | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
_ThenImpl(const _Function &_Func, details::_CancellationTokenState *_PTokenState, const task_continuation_context &_ContinuationContext, scheduler_ptr _Scheduler, details::_TaskCreationCallstack _CreationStack, details::_TaskInliningMode_t _InliningMode=details::_NoInline) const -> typename details::_ContinuationTypeTraits< _Function, _InternalReturnType >::_TaskOfType | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inlineprivate |
details::_get_internal_task_options(_TaskOptions)._set_creation_callstack(_CAPTURE_CALLSTACK()) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
get() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
is_apartment_aware() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
is_done() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
operator!=(const task< _ReturnType > &_Rhs) const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
operator=(const task &_Other) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
operator=(task &&_Other) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
operator==(const task< _ReturnType > &_Rhs) const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
result_type typedef | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | |
scheduler() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
task class | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | friend |
task() | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
task(const task &_Other) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
task(task &&_Other) | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |
wait() const | Concurrency::task< _ReturnType > | inline |